Monday, May 29, 2006

miracles or magick

There had been a talk given a while back, for a church program...I really liked it...I mean, I should not give Dallin Oaks the only credit, because there were many other very good talks spoken then as well. He gave a few examples, out of thousands that he could have said, of miracles related to conversion. He started that section with a verse I like, (2 Nephi 26:13) then said a few stories, who many of these people were in that very room.........For example,we know of many cases where the Lord has been manifesting Himself to men and women in the nation of Russia, so recently released from the long grip of godless communism. While reading critical or mocking articles about Mormons, two different Russian men felt a strong impression to search out out meeting places. Both met missionaries and joined the church.....A medical doctor in a villiage in Nigeria had a dream in which he saw his good friend speaking to a congregation. Intrigued, he traveled to his friend's village on a Sunday and was astonished to find exactly what he had seen in his dream--a comgregation called a ward being taught by his friend, who was their bishop. Impressed with what he heard in repeated visits, he and his wife were taught and baptized. 2 months later over 30 others in their village joind the church, and their clinic had become the meeting place......A man I met from northern India had never even heard the name of Jesus Christ until he saw it on a calendar in the shop of a shoemaker. The Spirit led him to a conversion in a Protestant church. Later, during a visit to a distant college town, he saw an advertisement for an American group called "The BYU Young Ambassadors" (love these guys) During their performance, an inner voice told him to go into the lobby after the program and a man in a blue blazer would tell him what to do. In this way he obtained a Book of Mormon, read if, and was converted to the restored gospel. He has since seved as a missionary and as a bishop......A little girl in thailand felt a memory of a loving Father in Heaven. As she grew older, she would often pray and counel with Him in her heart. In her early 20s sshe met our missionaries. Their teachings confirmed the loveing personal feelings for God he remembered from her childhood. She was baptized and served a full-time mission in Thailand......Only 5% of the people in Cambodia are Christians. A familt in that country was searching for the truth. While their 11-year-old son was riding his bicycle he saw some men in white shirts and ties showing someone a picture and asking who it was. He felt he should stop. As he watched, he was prompted to say, " That is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and He came to save man." Then he rode away. It took the missionaries a month to find him and his familt. Today, the father is a counselor in the mission presidency......(and this is my favorite...) Last June,a family of 5 visited the open house for a new chapel in Mongolia. As the father walked through the door a powerful force went through his body, a feeling of peace he had never experienced before. Tears flowed. He asked the missionaries what that amazing feeling was and how he could feel it again. Soon, the entire family was baptized....These are only a few examples, there are thousands more.

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