Monday, May 22, 2006

Shall I fight for it?

I know that it is not good to want a thing too much. And it is said that humans are never quite satisfied, that you give them one thing and they want something more. But then, is it wrong to do everything possible to carry out a goal, or plan, because you want it bad enough?.....Simple projects started are rarely finished with me. Anyone who knows me well enough, knows that I must have just the right motivation in order to finish something, or to obtain something I want ( whether it be happiness for myself, or the chance to conjure a smile on some one I love's face.) . Otherwise, I'll easily give up on the thing. It is as good as dead without the right motive. But there are times when even I want a thing bad enough to work and fight and sacrifice for it. Because a strong enough plan once made and visualized becomes a reality along with all other realities, And that plan is then immune to be destroyed, but easily to be attacked........You can call me selfish for sticking to my plans and dreams when I do come to one I want bad enough..but I believe that if it is really worth it, you should do everything to get it, to get there. You should be willing to fight anything that gets in your way. I guess this goes along with that poem I posted some time ago........See, some people will finish everything they start, will get everything they want no matter what it takes. I am not one of them, but I am also not the lazy person. For me, finishing what I start, or getting what I want...must mean must make sense. Sure, I'd love to havve money, I want money, as every soul does somewhere in them, or at some point in time. But it is not what matters most, it is not worth the fight, at least not compared to many other things...But if a person wants something bad enough, they'll get it.

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