Tuesday, May 23, 2006

boring old...

Well, I've some advice for everyone out there..don't ever let me near another woodworking...etc. tool again...lol. I'm just not cut out for the job and let me leave it at that....Well, a few days ago, I could tell something was bothering Mollie, and I asked her and she told me that the school system has decided to change their computer system so that it require only one worker rather than three..which means that he dad lost his job. And to be fair the school had to open up the new job to the public, and said that the news of who got the job would be out last friday, and it still has come...it's a terrible thought...There are not many jobs here that he could get. Unless you work with the University, there not are many opportunities out here. They've already not got much and they'll some how have to come up with the money to move to a bigger sity like Boise or SLC where there are more opportunities. But we're still praying that he get's it. I've known her for about 7 years now, and I dont want to lose her. Unless of course, if her dad doesn't get the job but he gets a better paying one somewhere else, maybe that would be better for her family..maybe they'd all tone down a bit and all be happy all the time. I don't know what to wish for. Anyways..Tomorrow's Senior graduation..So, I'll be in school for only a few hours, and I'm going to miss all of them, or at least the ones I had the chance to know. After graduation, they're gone no matter what they say.....Well…there were a lot of other things I was going to say, but have decided against it and deleted them. So this’ll just turn out another boring old post.

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