Sunday, May 28, 2006

Segassem Neddih ....hehe

Well, I said I’d come back, I’ve not had such a smooth couple of days….I’ve been doing some tarot lately as well. This morning I did (just as I was (gratefully) interrupted by the person I had been waiting for in the 1st place) a recent past card, a present card, and a 3 month future. Which all turned out quite accurate. So I get these daily horoscopes sent by email to me…and they’re from a very reliable source, and so far, have all been true. Tuesday I am going to try to get a picture of my aura, I’m desperate to see how it turns out. If it do, maybe it will answer some questions. Something…um…strange….I had another one of those dreams. Well, this one, I only remember ,if anything, short flashes and short things that were said…and I almost never remember what the words mean. While having the dream, I understand them, but when I write them when I wake up, I don’t know what they mean or what language they are…..(bit of an interruption, Evan just played me a new song. “ Living in Your Letters” by Dashboard Consfessional) ..Things I remember from the last one...Well, I won't decribe the events her/e, but what I wrotedown this morning was...only three words.. 'ashwani' 'kelcuara' 'ashwin'. Since I'm not very experienced in languages, I've absolutely no idea what language it is, if it is a real language, or just babble, I haven't been able to look them up yet either. Sounds African to me, but what do I know. And it's not like I can ask someone, they wouldn't believe my story.....Well, enough of that, a couple/ of days ago...I was driving passed a few canals and it was terrible. I kept seeing police men parked by the canals, and the men were searching the water. And I kept praying that there wasn't a kid to look for. But later, it became obvious..They were searching for a ch/ild. I don't know why it gets me, because it's happened plenty of times before, but I just hate to think of it. And the police, not knowing to look for just a child, or (hopefülly not) a floating corpse. Anyways...none of that sad stuff...I think I may have some r/ingworm, at least, that's what I think it looks like...(heh, that's what happens/ when you actually want to pay attention in a health class you didn't purposely sign up for) I'm sure moth/er has some kind of cream that'll take it right away. So no worries with that....Today, somone, I can't remember his name, but he gave a very good talk in church on womanhood and quoted sayin/g something I though was perfectly said...he said that 'Eve was created by a bone taken from Adam's side. Not a bone from his head, where (symbolically) she could drool over him, neither from a bone in his fott, so that she is trampled over, but a bone from his side, his middle, which symbolizes the duality of the sexes'...I think that..a man can't degrade a woman without degrading himself, and a man can't elevate a woman without elevating himself. Am I right? or no?

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