Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Saints and Soldiers

Well, I went back after graduation today and heard Evan and a lot of my friend sing and play in the orchestra..they sounded pretty good. Well, afterward, Kaje and Garrett and I went over to Fongs, and well, I dont know exactly how it happened but, we got a phone call and for some reason, that I still don't really know, my step dad was really mad at me...and so I went home right away, it was a funny experience though...because I really wasn't looking forward to going home, so I was saying how I didn't want to go home, but was anyway, and just as I was walking out the door, the little chinese waitress came over and said 'don't forget your fortune's ' I took the cookie and the fortune inside said "Your home is a pleasant plave from which you will draw happiness", it was the funniest thing....I never believed in those things..but who knows.....Anyways, I don't know what reminded me, but last night/morning I decided to watch this movie again, 'Saints and Soldiers'...I had only seen it once, after Evan found I hadn't seen it so he went out and bought it so I could...But I think it is one of my favorite movies...I don't's just really really good and even though it is a little sad in some parts and I must admit, I did cry the first time I watched it. But it's about time they point out that the soldiers on either side are the same, just with different uniforms. And the reason it's one of my favorite movies..isn't just because theirs a mormon in it or that it is based on true event....I just like it, I don't know exactly why...but it's just so good..even though you do need to know a little bit about the rules of combat, and some german would be understand it fully. But it is still very good....

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