Thursday, May 18, 2006

Here I am

Well, it's official... James: ah...well, guess where we're going? Jules: where??James: Jules: Yay! James: Just you and me... Jules: wow, but wasn't it that only 40 people could go? and those tickets..they costed so much...well, nvm, THANK YOU James: I know, but I called William and he said there were still a few openings Jules: *hugs* I love you! James: I love you too!---and it goes on, but I'm so excited! Gotta love your father for doing things like this for you. hehe...okay, so maybe I'm a little unusual and rather than getting excited to go to a football game that night, I'd rather go to this. But I suppose you have to know my person to understand. Well, I'm really excited because I want to see the Athena all finished. I saw it once a long long time ago when there was no gold on it..but I still thought it was beautiful, and I'm excited for other things too of course.......Anyways, in school, I think I'm doing much better, though today I had a hard time, for some reason it felt like I was in a fever all day, and short of breath. But I should be fine by morning..maybe with some rest, I can get by it. I'm working on getting my Algebra grade up, I made a few mistakes at the beginning of the Tri, so I need to make up for them. hmm...what else have I been up to..Well, I just finished this really good book, or I thought so..'Homebody'. And just a few minutes ago, read this short little story I found. "The Pearl" John Steinbeck...It was really interesting, and I liked the meaning in it. All about a Mexican Indian family, who find the Pearl of the World and can't decide whether it was a blessing or a curse. There was a lot about music in there too, so know..Anyways, wont spoil the story here. Hmm...well, I've heard that the Da Vinci Code didn't turn out as well as I had hoped....but what do they know? I'll have to give it a chance myself...although, it's very likely I wont be seeing it for a while. I'd like to say that it is worth it to spend my money on, but I need it for things more important than seeing the movie as soon as possible. Well, the last movie I saw was Walk the Line...I think the majority of the reason I got hooked to it was the accents..reminds me too much of home. But I loved them, June sounds just like my aunt..esp. the way she talks to her daughter on the phone....Home. That word has a lot of meaning. It's the place you feel safest..The place you feel happiest..not necessarily a physical house made by man. The ending of a poem, 'Hear I am, at the door to your heart, at the door to my home'... But on the other hand..I think that, speaking of the physical home, I have..I feel more at home down there, in Georgia, and Tennessee...than anywhere else I know of so far. I know those forests and towns and cities so well, even when I've not set foot in every part..somehow I still know them. They're all still a part of me. But only about two more weeks... Fancy that, the way time flies, but now it's going to go incredibly slow just to torment me....One of these days it'll finally click with me that I've got to monopolize myself, or life's just going to be a waste...

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