Sunday, May 21, 2006

It is no longer reality

Just a little insight, I think there is a point when you fall away from facts and it’s no longer knowing, and seeing and reading, it is feeling. In music, there’s a point when you no longer see ‘f’s’ for Forte, you don’t see dynamics, or notes or names or instructions…there’s a line you cross when you can’t see them anymore, but you know them, you, instead, feel them. In no longer think ‘perspective’ or ‘proportion’ you just feel it, and it comes out. And in math, you stop seeing the numbers and instructions, and you suddenly understand without having to think about it anymore. You just know and feel. There is just a line you have to cross…and you never know when it’s going to happen. Some people break it early, and/or become prodigies. Others, it comes later..and some, not at all. I think it is a wonderful thing to be swept away in, to not even think about it, you just feel, you just sink into emotion…

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