Sunday, May 28, 2006

Bravo Mr. Howard...Bravo.

Yesterday, I was almost worked to death…I swear, one more moment and I would have been unconscious. But then again, I’ve had to work harder than that before. But still, hard labor from 8am to 5pm with no food breaks…not that I’d even be able to eat the food considering my mouth is still sore. But with all that…I still managed to go to The Da Vinci Code..that night…wasn’t going to let anything get in the way, even sleep. ;)
So, I went and saw it, even though I couldn’t get any friends to come with me. It was very good, I thought….bravo Mr. Howard. I think I liked the ending in the movie a little better than in the book. *shrug*….anyways, it made me think…think again of the possibilities of those things being true, I am not fully sure of what exactly I believe in, religion wise. I’ve been missed up a lot. (but my problem might have been wanting someone to tel me exactly what is true, whats not, what’s good and what’s bad. What to do, how to be…etc. and the religion I was born into, although most people don’t realize it, is very open. Sort of self-propelled. There are many possibilities. You receive your own revelation…etc.) anyway, what I was thinking of is that it makes perfect sense for Jesus to have been married, whether to Mary of Magdala, or someone else.He was sent down here to be an example to man of what we should do, and how we should be. Isn’t marriage on God’s list of things we must do now, here on the earth, or in the next life? Well, yes, it is…so why on earth would Jesus come here to be an example and do everything except marry? Everything except marry, even when God tells us to do it when possible…all the same, it was commanded as far as I know. It is shown. Let’s see…Genesis 2:24 I think…….and going off that point…I can see why people like the character Silas, would think that they must suffer as Jesus did on the cross. Jesus was our example, maybe those people think that it was just another thing to do on that list. Which it wasn’t, isn’t. The atonement was not done so that we could later punish ourselves for our sins. Jesus felt the vicious pain from every consequence of every sin each one of us makes, and ever will make…he felt it, and endured it, so that we would not have to endure those consequences ourselves. Everytime you ever lied, cheated, exploited, libled, killed…etc. and everytime you will, another drop of blood fell from his pours while in Gethsemane, so that is you can humble yourself enough to feel sorry for what you did and ask, God can forgive and forget, and no one should ever remember what you did after you repent, even you should forget what you did….Well, anyways, like Isaid, I’m still deciding what things are true and what aren’t. 2 Tim…I believe says something to this extent… ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. I think that’s where I am…or maybe I’ve come to the truth seceral ties but didn’t spend enough time learning about it. Jesus was a man, a human being. He could heal, walk on water, perform all kinds of…what the church like’s to call, miracles, but call them what you may, miracles..or magic…all the same, he was a man. And I believe that if you have enough faith, you can do whatever you long as God wills it. You can walk on water, like John..or maybe it was Peter…all the same, he did it with Jesus, Jesus wasn’t the only one and Jesus didn’t make him do it. People can heal as Jesus did. I’ve seen it done numerous times, esp. with people who hold the right keys. I’ve seen it, and I’ve experienced it…three times that I can remember…I know it works. Olive oil, a blessing, and enough faith, and there you go…..anyways, maybe I’ll ocme on again later and write more about my average life…heh…like about aura’s and ringworm and anything else that’s happened lately.

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