Sunday, May 14, 2006

That illusion is beautiful that song (on the last blog) was a little cheesy, but it sounds better when it's sung. Anyways, the other night..I watched the sunset on one side of me and the moon rise on the other. The moon was beautiful! It was the biggest moon I've ever seen, so low to the horizon and bright yellow too. It was so big it was unreal, although, I know, it being so close to the horizon, it was only an illusion, but I dare say that illusion was beautiful. And I went over to Jenna's and it was a much better view. As Jenna would tell me, that I have a terrible view from livin' down in the ghettos. Up there though, on what long-time Rexburgites would call 'snob hill' (which makes sense since there are some beautiful houses up there and thats the rich neighborhood) Once you get over that rise, all you can see is miles and miles of fields and hills all the way up to the Tetons. So we walked out to the hollow cause we couldn't keep still. And all the way, watched the moon rise and get whiter and brighter as it got higher in the sky. Eventually, we realized how far we had gone and that it was probably passed midnight. We figured, once we get back to 'civilization' we ought not to travel along the roads. University/college campus towns are always some of the most dangerous places, esp. for young girls. Even that Teddy B. had been here before, picking up college girls, and chopping them into pieces. Of course, Jen, being the cocky person she is, thinks it doesn't matter, she'll rip them to pieces with her own teeth. So it took a while to convince her otherwise, that faced with the situation, she'd not be able to kill anyone. anyways, festival went good, I got 99 points this time, and a trophy..since I’ve got about one more festival to attend before I hit 1,000. Go me. And the recital that day had a lot bigger audience then I thought. Oh well, I only had to play one song and free refreshments afterwards, what more can I ask? Anyways, today was mothers day, I wasn’t sure how well that would go over with me. Yesterday I was a little upset with her ,and actually showed it..and there was a little bickering…but I think it’s okay..I can’t change her. So I better accept her. No matter how much I miss her. (if you think about it, that does make sense.) So I got up early, made some blueberry pancakes and eggs. Went out and cut some flowers, made a bouquet and voila! Happy Mother’s Day! breakfast in bed and a beautiful bouquet. At least I caught her before she got sidetracked by the computer or something. Well, that’s about all I can say for now. I’ve got to go call another mother of mine who lives across the country. Three weeks though, three weeks.

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