Wednesday, May 24, 2006

back and forth

Well...I've got my excersize for the day..Jerome....the driver of the bus I use to ride home, didn't show up. So..I walked as far as mollie's (who's, btw, Dad got his job back!! :) ) house..used her phone, no one home. I called Evan..said he was all the wait at Maveric, and of course...a bunch laughing girls in tha back round, so he must have been busy...(NO I didn't mean that as a perverted remark), and so I start walking..And what are the odds, eventually, Garrett shows up, and takes me the rest of the way. So that's my little adventure....Have nothing else to do at the moment except write this....I know, I'm pathetic, maybe I'll come back later and write more...interesting things.

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