Sunday, May 21, 2006

It is just about him..or is it?

I’ve never really thought much about my own role models…I never acknowledge that that is what they are..there are just so many of them. I thought I might write a bit about my own father, who’s just another one of those wonderful people I love and admire simply because they are who they are. Anyways, James is his name, and one of my favorite names, always thought of naming a child after him. He was born in Roswell, CA, and he only had two siblings and he is the middle. He was born into a Catholic family and after meeting my mother, he converted to LDS and because of that they were able to be married in the Atlanta, Georgia temple. They did have financial security and my grandfather was an Engineer in computer technology. One day, as I realized I hardly knew anything about him….I asked him several questions..and here are a few… “What are your most memorable spiritual experiences, if any? Lots, too many to recall, I have had many visions and spiritual experiences both good and bad in nature, but all learning experiences and life enhancing in one way or another Do you have any special backround and/or traditions? Artistic talent runs in family/ No real traditions. What kind of relationship did you have with your parents? So so, not real close, occasionally we were but we didn't talk much. What is your main goal in life? Be happy and make others happy, be a teacher of life and a good friend to others, love thy neighbor. Most memorable school experiences? there are so many..high school or college or both? Art, sports, awards, scholarships, just ask for specifics(making winning shots in basketball games, going to district championships in both basketball and tennis, graduating college with a 3.9 GPA and winning three Art scholarships, etc...) What makes you happy? ;) My kids. What makes you sad? when there not here with me. What hardships have you overcome? can't really recall anything that was ever to difficult to overcome in my life, without a little hard work and determination. I know if I put my heart, mind and soul into anything I would be able to overcome. What do you most enjoy doing with your family? spending quality time together, going places, and doing things that are memorable and will leave a lasting impression.. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Playing Basketball and Tennis, reading sci Fi books and researching ancient cultures and current events on the web, seeing a good movie, going to the book store and of course doing art……I love him to death, he’s the kind of man who is sensitive yet very strong physically and mentally, and protective, yet knows where the line is. And you automatically know that there’s a gentle person inside when someone loves animals, or an animal, as much as he does. He loves cat’s, and does everything for them, if they sneeze, he’ll get them checked, he’ll get medicine and tie them down if they don’t want to take it so that they will whether they like it or not. We all cried when Coco died…an unknown disease, that couldn’t be fixed, all we could do is watch him slowly die. To him, Coco was like a son, to me, like another brother. I’d known him since I was born. Well, he likes to have fun, he’s a crazy driver, but if he knows that there is danger to me or him or anyone else, he’ll control it, but he just likes the speed. He’s the kind of person who, when he slams his daughters hand in a door and kills the nails, will do anything to make it right, and when he is alone, he will cry because he hurt his baby. When he was boy, he’d do anything to not end up in the ‘geek’ crowd, and if he wants enough, he’ll get it. He made it to the basketball team in high school, despite his height of 5 ft. something or other. (which I’ve rapidly caught up to, or am almost there, but probably never will since I’m probably done growing…you never know though.) He’s an introvert, and artsy, and open-minded. Unlike the majority of people in this world who’ve got their faces pressed so close to the picture that they’re not going to see anything but what’s straight in front their eyes..He’s taken a step back from the picture, as I have, and now can see the entire piece. He’s the kind of person who thrives on the pleasing of others to the best of his ability, and on the smiles he creates…anyways, that’s enough for now. If he ever happens to read this, he must know, I love you so much, with all my heart, and hope you always remember it!

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