Saturday, May 20, 2006

another day..

ah..I feel so bad! I invited Amalia to something tonight, because I really wanted to see her before I leave..she went and asked her mom and her mom didn't want her to but her dad said, maybe they should let her go. After he left, she slapped her and called her a manipulating bitch and said that she hoped to hell that she loses all her social life...or something like that, I wasn't paying much attention to that last part, as I was really really shocked and angry. I knew it was in her, you can just tell when you look at a person's eyes, and no matter how nice you precieve them, they can't keep their eyes from betraying them. I noticed it came out more after her brother died. But I feel so bad for Mollie. She told me not to worry about it and that she was used to it..*sigh* I still feel responsible somewhat, I got her motivated to ask by telling her that Cory would be there. And she really wanted to make it up to him because he asked her out and she really wanted to say yes but her parents wouldn't let her and it crushed him.
Anyways, I took Jessica to lunch today, thought I might spend a little time with her since she is my step sister..and I hardly get any time with her, yet I found out indirectly that I’m her role model…that was a while ago though. It was much more expensive than I thought it’d be. Then spent most of the day working on this presentation, I’ve got to teach a class Monday. So excited.. Well and tonight I’ll most likely be going out. All the hours it took on the computer to work on that has taken a toll on my eyes and head, so I’ve got to rest them somehow. I’ll probably end up at Jen’s…maybe listen to Taylor and his band work on new songs, last night was Alex’s last concert, and I wish I would’ve gone. They needed the money, and the support. But since Alex is going on his mission, they’ll get a new guitarist and keep playing for at least another year. I’m thinking of getting their CD, it’s only 5 dollars after all, much better price then any CD in stores. Those cost so much more, 20 or sometimes up to 30 dollars. Well, that’s what burning is for *wink*..everyone does it so often that it shouldn’t even be illegal. And no one takes it seriously, esp. since they don’t go around raiding houses for them. Anyways, that’s my day so far…don’t think I’m up for another night like last..but we’ll see what happens.

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