Friday, May 12, 2006

Can't refuse the chant

Well, finally have found some time during this very busy week to actually write something. Today I had election assemblies all day and then a meeting… and I just have to fulfill every promise I make, so I had 5 min. between the time I got out of the meeting drove back in town, then went to tend some children again. Who, btw, were unusually behaved and less hyper upon my arriving. Nevertheless, they were excited, I could tell. But I couldn’t say no to tending them because what can you say when Anne tells them that they’re looking for a babysitter and the kids start chanting “Julie, Julie, Julie..” etc. Well at least, it’s nice to know that I’m loved. And it’s not like I got incredibly bored after making them dinner and settling them down to watch their “Bob the Builder” and “Pocahontas” movies. I mean, picking out all the burnt kernels in the popcorn so the don’t choke on them can be mildly entertaining. And when they ask how old I am this time, hurrying to encourage them that they’ll catch up to me eventually to prevent the exertion of bodily fluids from okay too. Then I decided to make use of myself and I swept, washed dishes and cleaned counters…etc. and of course dedicated some time to school work and thinking. And how I’m so eager for the 19th to come sooner! Hm…esp. since it’s not usually a thing a teenage girl would be looking forward to, maybe not even a teenage boy, but I am extremely excited! I’ve been waiting for at least a year. Anyways…after this I’m going to head over to Jen’s to say one last goodbye to Nonika. Who’s leaving to be her mama’s mother’s day present on Sunday. Going back to Taiwan. Take me! It’s only really sad and depressing because she’s not really coming back this time..Saying goodbye this afternoon was bad enough and Amalia was on the verge of tears, so I was practically holding her til we got out of the building and to the bus. I’m gonna miss her so much. EFY was last Saturday. It was wonderful! Though lengthy, at least I got a bench rather than those hard folding chairs. (Though the bench was squeezed tight and a certain someone sat next to me for purposes he refused to admit.) 8-5pm…long, but good, and dancing a few hours afterwards in those heels killed me. But I think it was worth it. Those talks were awesome and they are both wonderful people. One thing I got out of it that was said in directly, was that you don’t have to give into desire just to quench it, you just need to have self-control, just control it. And at one part they showed some survey where teachers from the 1940s and from 2000 were asked what sort of things they have to put up with in schools. 1940s- running in halls, talking in class, chewing gum, not throwing trash in the wastebasket…etc. 2000- rape, murder, pregnancy, assault, stealing, abortion…etc. Just goes to show what kind of a sick world we live in now. Anyways, more about The best of EFY some other time.

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