Friday, June 30, 2006

No Name

It's done..well.. actually, it has begun, not completed of course. But the first step, and I'm hating myself for it right now. But that's part of it..the hate..eventually, I will subdue the guilt. It wont ever go away, at least that's how it seems right now.
I am going to go about several changes now..and in the coming days, weeks, months..who knows..but I am changing. Most things, for the better..some may not be as such though.
The boy lead me to a realm of the dead..I saw him run down the stone road. It was overcast, it looked like winter, but no snow. The trees and leaves were dead, nothing green..a breeze..and no sign of life but the boy and I. I followed, he lead me to a cliff, where I looked out..everything was desolate..there were fields, but they seemed..dead. and I thought I saw some sort of structure in the distance. I whispered to myself, what is this place?..The boy didn't answer my question, but he said something..something that I forgot as soon as I came out of it..but it is in my mind somewhere, and it will come out when it is supposed to.
He then ran passed me, towards the trees to my left, I went after him, and pushed through the thick dead branches..I could feel their texture even. But soon, I came to a clearing..a perfect, circular clearing..and was concious of him behind me, watching, waiting. I took a step in. The dead leaves swirled away from my foot with the wind. I turned back to him and he left through the trees again.
I followed him once again..when we came out, it looked somewhat like a very small cemetery, but I'm not very sure. There were stairs that seemed to go down, underneath the ground..and I followed him down, and around every turn, until..he was gone. But looking on, I saw a room, there was something in it, I think, but I'm not sure. But I saw moons inside. And I tried to go on..but it ended. He was gone, and it stopped. Everything seemed to happen simultaneously..I opened my eyes, and..there I was..suddenly confused, exhausted, not even knowing my own name.

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