Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Dort vorher Mein Augen

okay..well I'm back..there were other things I wanted to get out of me. Like the dreams I get..have gotten..throughout my life..I met someone not too long ago, by following my senses..and he in turn, introduced me to a very nice woman who I've found has some sort of connection wih me. Well, I suppose it is so, at least. We both were drawn to that man, who I'll call Chris, for the sake of the innocent. Things draw me to certain people, and I'm only just discovering what it is about him. And no, not the kind of 'being drawn to someone' as a future lover, not that kind..Anyways, the woman and I were talking about that, and then started talking about dreams we've been having. And she began telling me about one..which really shocked me because I had the same one but from a different view, and after she brought it up, I knew where I had seen her and chris from. In her version of the dream, she is in a pentagram circle, off the ground and sort of floating. There are two other men in the cirlce below her, and something..reaches toward her, calls her and she extends a hand back toward it, and one of the men below her tells her no, and to come back to him. As in, reach for his hand and to not go further with what she was doing. I saw the dream form out side the circle, my thoughts were, 'this is wrong' and as I saw the girl reach her hand forward I started running, but ended up waking after that. But when I thought about it, that girl looked strikingly similar to the woman I was talking to, and one of the men below her looked exactly like chris. So I'd seen them before. I saw chris elsewhere as well......I cant remember if I had mentioned these or not, and I dont know what to call them, but how whenever I'd close my eyes, not sleeping, just closing my eyes, I'd see things, not as often right now, thankfully, as they keep me from getting sleep. But these things are only short flashes, take only very short amounts of time to show me an entire event before moving on, and yet, I get the entire thing. But I saw him in one of those, just his face, that's it...no event with it either. I see a lot of faces, but I remember seeing his. Most of the things I've seen in those....what to call them, visions? no..maybe, but I cant claim that until I am positive..possibly memories, or just my imagination, who knows...but most of the things I seen are nightmarish to me, or very very odd. I dont care to mention any of them here, but maybe individually to other people if they wish..................I had a dream about a week ago, in which I saw a very, strange symbol...being drawn, by a figure whom I was not given the chance to see his/her face. I drew as much of it as I had seen the minute I woke up, and so as not to forget it, became obsessed with drawing it over and over again. Then it suddenly came to me, and I showed it to chris and he said he knew what it was and I told him I wasn't even sure if it was done yet, as it was in the process of being drawn, and that it made no sense to me, and he told me, it doesn't make sense because it isn't finished. And now as I look at it, it looks more and more familar, I just cant pinpoint exactly where..I've seen it before, I guess.............Anyways, a little more for the updating side..I went and picked evan up in nashville yesterday..was so excited I had stayed up til 4 and woke up at 7..lol, and I made my dad drop me off for a little bit at the court of 3 stars...couldn't help myself. It wasn't as good as it was before because I did it alone, but it still amazed me, I had brought my little stepsister along, and like I said, it amazed me and I kept asking if she heard it and she had no idea what I was talking about....I told her to try and she said she heard a little bit, and she said, oh I see, it's a button, huh? nope, it's magick, I told her....Magick at Meru, surrounded by the Red Granite.. atop the Iron Rod, beneath the Sea of Stars.

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