Thursday, June 08, 2006

A Heartfelt cry

Now..I believe I said I'd write a little bit about my aura chakra results. Well, if I repeat myself, I apologize. What surprised me was how big it was..from my view, I cannot tell, but it was around 80 out of 100, which, as the lady I talked to explained, indicates a strong and powerful radiance, other people can feel my strong aura, and I use my charisma and power to reach dreams and goals. As I am sure I mentioned some where, my aura turned out the colors I expected. Red and orange...although, I hadn't expected to have violet coming in on the sides. It can change, but generally, this is what color it stays. (orange-red: artistic, physical-creative, excitement, will-power, energetic, sexual, productive, adventurer....etc). But the chakras are the ones that change all the time, depending on your stress levels or how tired you are, or whatever the circumstance. I was also very surprised to see how open they all were. All were open between 65 and 90%. I wont go too far into detail with what it all meant, but basically, everything is much 'higher'. Life energy and sensual qualities,productivity, emotional expression. My solar plexus was opened the widest, and..I guess means something to the effect of high creativity..intellectual and/or analytical thinking, playful qualities....which makes a lot of sense for that particular day. Other things that were high..were things like, being very heartfelt, radiant, loving and sensitive, strong expression of thought, and emotions, and high intuitive energy, strong artistic, spiritual, and intuitive qualities...*shrug*. "This chakra is located in the centre of your forehead and is often called the third eye. The sixth chakra represents your ability to see and really know truth. When this chakra is clear, positive energy can flow from it freely. Radiating positive energy from your sixth chakra indicates that you've cultivated higher wisdom concerning the important life lessons associated with this energy centre. You're apt to be accepting of the people and events in your life rather than pass judgment on them. You're also likely to have developed a higher level of intuition than most people have." But over all, they were all very balanced........Now back to the aura...It also showed me the balance between Yin and Yang in me. And really...this did not surprise me, both were so close together, there was no telling that it was anything but a thick line. And the more they are on top of each other, the more the male-female energies are in harmony. At the time, it also showed that I was very emotional and sensitive, and maybe a little too emotionally stressed...which makes sense too......and..back to the color thing...lets see... she gave me some things to help a little on interpreting this. According to this, the reds, oranges, and violets show (I'll just list what it has because everything I found was very accurate), powerful, energetic, strong will-power, sexual, passionate, relates to the physical body, confidence, creative power, productive and adventurous, courageous and relates to emotions, analytical thinker, creative, intelligent, scientific, detail oriented, Intuitive, sensitive, loyal, deep feelings, visual, relates to the third eye. Well..that's that. She also told me that the Yin side of my body has a higher energy level so she asked a few rhetorical questions like, "Are you experiencing physical ailments on your left side?" well...that was the day after I found that I had some unexplainable thing wrong with my left eye. And she asked a few more. She did the same thing after telling me that it shows my head aea has a higher vibration than the rest of my body. Asking...."do you generaly have a lot of do you have a lot on your mind at this particular time?" oh yes, very much on my mind, although I don't care to mention what it was here. " do you believe your thinking is seperate from your feelings?" "howcan you create a peace of mind within yourself?" Well, I have absolutely no idea. Now...for the individual meanings...and I apologize if I am boring any reader to death, but I find all of this quite fascinating and if you have made it this far, then it obviously isn't nearly that dull to you, and you ought to keep reading as it continues on to be as interesting as you thought the first half was, if not better *wink*... Since orange is a mixture or red and yellow, I assume that I would show some "yellow" qualities as well, which is more intellectual and clear focus. Well, orange is supposed to mean I have a strong personality (alright... if you say so), attractive to others (not too sure about that part) and have a warm and sympathetic heart. I noticed also some dark 'muddy' oranges that show I may be emotionally withdrawn for whatever reason. Orange is associated with the second chakra (the sexual chakra) ,with the reproduction organs, intestines, adrenals, spleen and kidneys...I'm not exactly sure why that is, or why you really needed to know that bit of pleasant information either...........well, this is very long already, but I'll keep going, nothing better to do at the moment. There is bright orange above my head and that is supposed to indicate an enthusiastic personality that is literally, bursting with ideas that encourage everyone around me. I'm driven by emotions and inner clarity, also willing to go the distance. But..that is where I also found the muddier orange color which would probably mean that there's some emotional confusion, and frustrated to speak...with difficulties finishing projects, etc. leading to more anxiety.(yes, that's me)....A clear bight violet coming in from the left brings me 'spiritual healing powers'. I am a visionary, and understand things intuitively. The dark violet flowing in can mean nervousness , tension, or illness..also bringing a time of withdrawal to "initiate a search into the deep mysteries of life". (*nods*). Now, clear bright violet flowing into my aura from the right shows that I supposedly have a great spiritual insight and that my devotion has a healing effect on others. (very similar to the left side I guess) "Many can sense the power emanating from you. You have strong intuitive abilities, receiving impressions and visions, often without trying. Idealistic, visionary, with psychic abilities " this is what many people who do not know me well, said. There was also a muddy, darker violet there that should mean physically tierd, with maybe some trouble keeping my feet on the ground. I had been walking all that day and really was physically tired. But there are much more deeper reasons for this exhaustion. I will say a few more things and maybe come back later with the rest..because it is all just so awesome, with how very accurate it all is. Whether I want to admit these things or not. so..last, with bright orange in the heart area, it shows that I send energy to others that receive is as joy of life..."sunny, warm, and strong". I have the ability to make others feel comfortable when they are with me and this will assist me in gaining the recognitions and appreciation, that I do not seek-might I add-, for my efforts. The muddy area there, shows great unhappiness, fear, or emotionally based illness. Which may block in my self-expression and relationships might be strained. (which, if speaking of the depression I've had in the past, is very true). I think that that is enough for now, have some things I need to get done.

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