Friday, June 09, 2006

couple of frappacinos

Hmm..well, today, I finally got out of the house the time I got my dad up and ready it was already around 3 or 4pm...(he works the night shift and last was kind of funny, everyone happened to call in sick and he was the only one left. Busy busy until around 2 or 3 am. I helped him with what I could..some of those people ask really stupid questions..Questions whose answers are 'if you look on the right hand side, there should be a long bar, if you click on it and drag it down, you can see what is on the bottom of the page.' waste of 20 min. explaining that concept to the man..he's supposed to be a professional, and how can he not know that..) Well.. I made him get in the shower, get dressed and get out of the house. So we stopped at a Quiznos and had a little conversation with Miss Anju Patel...assuming I spelled that right..And then saw the 3rd X-men, which was very good, might I add. I have to admit, I'm such a whimp, I did tear up on one part, lol. Let's see..then he had an 'epiphany' which led to getting me an outfit..(of course, I did pay 10dollars and he paid the last 3) in order for me to model for him. It's very strange...He first he got a female(me) to find a swim suit in less than ten minutes.. which is almost impossible, Not to mention it was a two peice, which I never wear..and never have..but he got me to buy somehow...And now, he got me to buy a pair of shorts...and I also, never wear I don't believe I am a good model, he's just a good photographer. ;) But I think he was just looking for a good one to he does need some money..Painting isn't all about the money for him, I know that for a fact..but when we have none, then that's what it's gotta be. Anyways, to finish the night, although I don't know why he was doing this when he had basically no money, a couple of it was a good day...

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