Sunday, June 11, 2006

Thievery Corporation's been interesting. I knew it'd be from the start...heck, I woke up and walked downstairs, asked tracy why the heck they turned the bathroom fan on, it kept me up. She looks at me...'oh..we were just having sex last night and thought a fan noise would be better to keep you up know' Alrighty'll be awkward everytime I here that fan now..oh jeez, their doing eachother again... A little too much information, might as well just give me your making-love schedule and I'll be sure to find somewhere else to stay so you can have the house to yourself. Deffinitely getting outta here for them on the 25th...their anniversary....Anyways, we had some people come over today..god, they brought a lot of alcohol, lol. So we turned on a little Thievery Corporation and passed the Margaritas around. worries though, I only had a few sips, else I'd be lit and bouncing off the walls. Well...I dont have much else to say right now..just nothing I really want to share with the public at the moment. So this post has no point..but hey, that's okay.

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