Monday, June 19, 2006

Court of Three Stars

Well...I've had a very life changing experience this passed weekend. I think a lot of things are going to shift about me now. Believe it or not, I now know where I need to be physically and mentally. I know the next step. I know the truth now...the truth! The minute I heard and saw those things, I knew they were truth. I've been talking around something, I know, but this 'thing' is very complicated...very complex..and to certain ears, will not help...will rather hurt..or do nothing for them, so why try? I have amazed people with being so young and understanding so much when it comes to life and, I suppose, more spiritual matters. I am told now, by many, that it is that I am what they call an 'old soul'. I've been through this cycle over and over and over again...I've gone through this cycle so many times now. Although I dont quite remember each of those times, I just know that I experienced them. So yes, I was once a 'younger soul' and now I'm not. And frankly, I have to say, I'm old and tired of going through all of this. I'm determined.. this will be the last time.. I will move on.I will go to the next level..hour, or whatever you want to call it. I wont be thrown back to try again. But knowing all of this, I have gained the knowledge through tarot of what part of me will send me back if I do not change it. That is fear. Fear will hold me back from all of the potential I have. When and if I get myself out of the firery boiling pot there will be a tiger right along beside me, and I will be as strong as ever. I will be able to unlock the vast amount of strength that is already in me. I just need to overcome that fear..and I'm already taking steps..So yes, in a way, I've finally found my religion. Yes, in a way, it is christian. But people do not know, and do not understand that christianity is not the same as it originally started out to be. And people blindly take the bible to be complete and literal. They do what sounds the easiest whether it is truth or not. You can't just be nice to people and expect to make it to "Heaven" no..there is much more to it. But I am so very very glad that I know now, I know what I'm supposed to be doing right now. I dont know exactly what my destiny is..what fate will bring, I just know what I have to do. There is proof of it all around us, we just choose not to see it..even when it is pointed out to us. But of course I cannot take all of the credit for finding father played the biggest role. Without him, this would never have happened...or at least, not in time. But there's so much to tell..but I just cant tell it here.I'm just so incredibly happy now that I know...I know what I'm supposed to be doing and where I belong and the truth. And the only reason why I have this now, why I have this happiness now, is for all of those people out there...I cannot even begin to name them all..but they all helped to get me here in someway. And so I'm thanking all of them now..thanking them because it is the best gift anyone could ever recieve.

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