Monday, June 05, 2006

Takes after Leonardo

Well, I don't know exactly what to talk about here since there's so much I need to get out, but I can't talk about all of them. I guess I'll go for the more recent. Well, yesterday dad and I and Tracy went to dinner with my grandmother.... (who, might I add, had a one two many drinks the night before...but you cant blame her, from the state she's in). Of course...some how we got on the topic of government cover ups and Shamara, and other things...that I cannot possibly explain here itself, for one, that it is just too much to tell. So, we were there for a while since we got my father off on some tangent. Of course, I'm the only one grandmother, a little..and Tracy...rolling her eyes the whole time. I went with Dad and Tracy to see DVC again, and it brought more discussion on the drive home, but actually..not the normal discussion you'd have about that movie. Anyways, the point is, all night I'd keep catching little things he said, and having de ja vu, and flashbacks concerning things that my grandfather, on the Rickertsen side, had tole me. He used to live in this area, and he worked in Oak Ridge, the place where half of the fusion bomb was created. He worked with the government, doing heaven knows what. I remember him telling me once...a few things that he is actually 'not allowed' to tell. But he now is in Las Vegas...or rather Henderson, working with the Yucca mountain project..still doing heaven knows what. But I have to admit, I admire him very very much, I lived with him for the first two or three years after my parents divorced, and I just love him to death. He's a wonderful person and you can get into very good talks about books or movies, or sciences or religion, of course, he's all for the physics, which I cannot even begin to understand much of. Anyways, getting off topic. The Hebenstreit pretty small...not much of us left, close to extinction, I suppose. But nevertheless, we've got an interesting history, I must admit. Although our history only goes so far before it comes to an abrupt stop only at my great grandfather who came from germany. There are hardly any records of him, or his life before America, or...his father, and other ancestors, which is quite sad. Anyways, we have many secrets, even among and against ourselves. I discovered this when my grandfather was on his supposed death bed and whispered the secrets to my father. Turns out, grandpa hasn't died. He got well, and the secrets stayed out. Whatever they were. I don't know much about him, other than he's a good man, and very loving, despite a few of his actions. Which can be understood when knowing his past. Knowing all of his past is virtually impossible, you only get a few glimpses. Anyway, I started thinking..of the odd things about me, the odd things about my father, and his father, and the whole family really and how we know nothing of before my great grandfather. As I said, I caught a few things my dad mentioned, and unfortunately, have bitten off more than I can chew. I'm very jumpy now and frightened..which is ridiculous, but I am. I looked through some of my dad's books, and some of his art, where I've found several things. Ironically, he's hiding messages in his paintings as well. But I wont bother to mention anything that I've found as it is completely unbelieveable, even to me. And yet, it still terrifies me..

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