Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Been a little busy, so I haven't been able to post something everyday like I should be doing. Well...jeez, it's only The days are going by very slowly. Anyways...not many exciting things that I'd like to mention here have happened lately. Last night, Nadia, my kitten, decided she'd sleep in bed with me, but I almost smothered the poor thing because she's so small. And of course,with her allergies, she sneezed all over me all night. Wonderful........Also, last night, I had the chance to actually have a decent conversation with Tracy, who I don't see much on week days. It was really deep and interesting, mostly about my dad, and also the blended family we have. It's interesting because of how difficult it is to blend so many personalities. My dad is a perfectionist, which is good and bad. Bad because, if he's working on a painting and something not perfect, he'll throw the whole thing out and start new. Bad because he's got 9 and 12 year olds now that he has no idea how to raise because he missed that raising part with me. But he is getting better on that, and is getting used to not living alone anymore. The good thing is, the house will stay clean and things will alway get done..etc. Anyways, my mind has gone blank and there's not much else to say.

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