Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I knew

Stange things are happening again.. or rather, always have been with me. And I must repeat myself in saying that in some way, it is all connected. Everything that has happened to me in the passed 2 years and beyond...is connected to eachother. Although at this moment, I am not sure if it is all leading to something big..something small, or nothing at all...maybe it is simply a vicious circle or horror, pain, and happiness...........I think I may mention things here today, that I've never, or never so bluntly, talked about..or maybe some recent findings, all I know is that I've got to get these things out of my system..things stay locked up inside me too long. But anyways.........Things are following me, I cannot tell if it is just recent or always. But I do know that I am not the only one followed by them here..my father has been for a very long time, though I dont know how long. I haven't been attacked by any of these things in any extremely violent way, not as he often is. I do not know, if they are there to hurt me for their own benefits, or there to draw my attention away from what I should be focussing on...as a test I mean, mustering up fear in me, making it harder to overcome. Maybe they want to hurt me, or maybe they want to make it a harder challenge for me to make it to where I need to be...... Some of these beings are what you could call demons, others are different..although I do not want to believe that they are what is very obviously hinted at. I feel them around me at times, and I do see them other times.. But the minute I came to this house, I knew that they were here. Whether they were already here, or came as I did, though, I dont know. But they were in my grandmothers old, old house..where I lived as a very young child, and where my dad lived up until last year when he moved here........ I love that house though..despite the presences there. It's old, has a distinct smell..hard wood floors..ivy and honeysuckle climbing all around it. Arches, and old skeleton keys, bats in the basement. I know, I'm odd..it's a beautiful house to me, and to others in that town, it's known as the haunted house..which I can see why they would honestly think that..it's basically true anyways. But now that my dad moved out, she's wanting to sell it...well, I've gotten off topic, haven't I? Back to those beings, I dont know if they are many or just one. But I do know that there is one distinct one that I am aware of most often and...I believe he is in this room with me right now..and throughout writing this, I've been trying to conquer fear by ignoring it, but it is getting worse..so I'll go now, but I'll come back later and write more...

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