Thursday, June 08, 2006

Belly-dancing Oranges

“ ‘Orange’ personalities are the creative adventurers in the color spectrum. They have an inner urge to be creative, active, and enjoying life to its fullest….The motivation in life of an ‘Orange’ is based on how much pleasure and satisfaction they get out of their own adventures, challenges and creative projects. They want to live out their own ideas…..Conquering and overcoming the obstacles of the impossible, either within their own mind or within physical reality, is primarily what they are seeking. They also need to convince others of their abilities in order to be in control of their own success…..Sometimes letting go for an ‘Orange’ means to loose control. Relaxation is the key for the balance of these physically or mentally active personalities……They love to discover their own limitations on all levels and then expand upon them…..’Orange’ personalities are the best analyzers and researchers. Theycan easily figure out the patterns, risks, and advantages involved in any project or situation. They also have the capacity to mentally tune into other people, giving them greater command in any situation….the ability to understand what is on the minds of others…..If an ‘Orange’ is not connected to their creative power, they may subconsciously try to control ad overpower others. And on occasion they might even find a manipulative way of achieving results….. ‘Oranges’, for the most part, believe that spirituality and religion are concepts, which need to be expressed in the physical world. In addition, they might have a physical perception of God, seeing that Source or Spirit manifest in nature and in our man made world. They believe in their God given gift to form and shape their own reality as well as the physical reality on planet earth….Their primary goal is to get in touch with their emotions, to bring their heart into their creations and to trust their intuition…..may prefer to live in their own world of adventure, thrill and excitement ….They don’t particularly care what others or society in general thniks about them. Nor do they take judgments personally. They simply want to do their own thing….I think it is important for ‘Oranges’ to find adequate and positive outlets of expression for their powerful aspirations…. ‘Oranges’ possess the capacity to clearly and effectively explain their ideas, and with plenty of fire and courage. Their lesson in life is to express their emotions and communicate through their inner feelings, otherwise they may feel insecure and remain unavailable with a sense of loneliness….while the ‘Greens’ love to talk about everything for hours, ‘Oranges’ need a lot of time to themselves……They do not desire luxury over the needed, and are willing to spend anything, and in some cases, everything they have to make their ideas true, or to prevent some thing they do not want. …They can create relationships that are ruled by sensitivity, understanding and emotional freedom.. To open their own heart is a wonder not to be missed......” well, I told you I’d come back. There are plenty more things I could say, but that should be enough. Anyways, today was an…okay day. I think I may try to find a job somewhere, I need the money! lol..there’s a Sonic down the road and around the corner, but I’m not sure if you have to have a roller-skating license for that..*wink* . A year or two ago, when I was down here, one of my dad’s ex-gf’s took me, on my request, to one of her classes with her. A belly dancing class….I know I know…. You did belly dancing?...yes..horrific, huh? But it doesn’t matter what I looked like, it matters if I had fun! :) anyways..the point is, I’m trying to contact her, because I ‘ve decided to try and take that up again. I need some dancing in my life again…no matter the kind. Not like I’ll go professional or anything, just while I’m here…Now, I just bought this new book and I wanna start reading it..

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