Wednesday, March 01, 2006

half way there...

well, I'm back again..jump for joy. well...the passed couple of days have been okay. Pretty busy with finals and all though. I've got about half of them done. Whoot!
Well, I ran an entire mile today, nonstop, in 8 min. and 39 sec. and NOT of my own free will! sounds fun, eh? considering i'm terribly out of shape...yea...anyways, changing the subject.
theres this sound technition guy, and well he made this amazing CD and its finally done! its the bible..cept, in music...its really cool actually. The first part, in genises doesn't even have words, they matched each letter to a note, and it turns out sounding a bit like rain, it all sounds really beautiful. and some the ten commandments, or some part in Exodus, not sure really gets you. I swear, it has been practically hypnotizes you, at least it makes you zone out, and if you look at a person, it looks like they were slowing down from a high or something like that, its so strange...
anyways..I wish I could write more, and more about stuff thats more interesting, but I've got to go now.

"It's far easier to prevent a disease than to treat it..."
just for you..

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