Thursday, March 02, 2006

Its in the 40s now!hey, thats like summer for us.

Back again, I know you all love me and missed me so much..*wink* well anyways..*sigh* finals are all done! yay! and I didn't completely fail the algebra one...
so thats with the good news. well, I've got some fairly bad news too, well, that ethan guy I mentioned before, his parents ARE officially divorcing, and have in a way changed their mind about letting him choose, which is both good and bad. Only bad becuase ...well..its him. you've got to know the kid to understand. He's going back to Sugar city, lifts a couple stresses of mine, though knowing me, I'll still worry. I know that him and his parents do not get along very well. guess I feel like somewhat of a shrink, lol. I mean, he's always coming to me about these things. But i understand cause I went through it. The only thing is, if he calls, and complains...'vents' about hatred toward anyone/thing/esp. parents. I cant exactly say, "yea, I know, same here." cause that'll help so much, huh? Though, I am tempted at times to tell him off for complaining, ect. but that doesn't really help either. You have to let him talk..get it out of him, or else he'll blow. You know, if he can be considered a fairly 'average' male than I think I'm starting to understand you guys a bit more lol. But so far, I have done him good, though at times it was completely hipocritical. But..well, I got him to stop drugs. no more huffing for him. and so, as far as I can tell he's been doing well with that. I haven't smelled it on him for the passed week or so. And I know really, the only thing hurting him and bringing him lower and lower is that he cant forgive himself. He's done a few....terribly bad things...but neither were unforgivable (meaning, no first digree murder, and no denying christ, although he is so very close on that one..he believe in christ..but sometimes not in the way most people would) but its not my place to say what any of them are.
You know, I dont really understand why it is so hard for some people to forgive. and i'm not meaning just themselves, cause that I have a hard time with as everyone does. But I guess I never realized how amazed people are when I forgive so easily, sometimes too easily. Ethan was awstuck, seriously, when he found out I wouldn't be afraid, or hate him after he told me those things that he did. and even still, maybe I should be, since it comes from experience..
but oh well, I remember one time people got really mad at me once for saying that I'd forgive a hunter if they killed someone....I wouldn't hold a grudge I mean...even if it was a best friend. I know that must sound rash, but its true...maybe I shold be a little more harsh..I dont know.
anyways, enough about all of this stuff..I've got to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, you ARE too forgiving...maybe you should think about changing're just to gullible.