Sunday, March 19, 2006

‘tis a beautiful thing

Well, that was a good little change, interesting, dunno how I came up with a three part blog like that, but hey, I spent some time on it….four blogs in two days, just about. Technically only two though.
Anyways, Its sooo cold!! Just when I get excited for spring, it dump five more inches on us..I mean, it is pretty to look at, when on the trees, etc…but, its just so cold, and everything is so dull now, there isn’t enough to do anything. Not that I would, but even’d be nice to go on a walk without freezing to death.
So, the other day I went saw the newest remake of king kong, it was always a cheesy movie, but this was really good actually. Though, three hours long, it was pretty good. And yes, I know, just a love story, but it reminds me of myself a lot. *shrug* Well, I liked it, sometimes a good long movie is better because after three hours you’ve grown so attached to each character, and so when one dies, it means more, you know? That’s why books are usually better, and besides the fact that a book lets you decide for yourself, exactly what each character will look like and the surroundings. Anyways…well, it went well, only one strange thing happened, what a record! Of course, I wasn’t the only one who heard it, so that was a change.
Anyways, after the movie, I was out waiting for a ride, and I saw the clouds parted in a place and you could see the light of the moon behind them. I thought it was beautiful in itself. But later, the moon peeked out, and it was even more beautiful. I know, I’m strange, but its almost a good as a sunrise/set. But, it was big and round and had a tint of yellow to it, with a few rings of color surrounding it. You know what that means, trouble on the way. Well, Amalia thought it was a little creepy, I thought it was wonderful. And you could see stars here and there, and Orion.
Evan was in a quartet today, They were perfect, they sounded so good! Their voices melted together just right, and yet you could still hear each individual voice. He was the youngest in the group and yet he was the bass. Funny how that works out. Whenever I do sing, I am always an alto, though, I can be soprano, just with a little more effort.
Well, I just realized something , I’m leaving the third of June, right, to be there for dad’s birthday, go to some Egyptian museum in Nashville I think..something special is going to be there, I just don’t know what, anyways…so I leave the third, and Evan leaves on the 26th! Wow…..I don’t know what I’m going to do..or what its going to be like. That’s two days over three weeks, I have absolutely never been away from him for so long. We are always together…I don’t know what I’m gonna do, well, first I’ve got to make sure I’m getting to the right gates on the flight changes on my way to Tennessee…lol. But not the point…I suppose its good practice, I’m going to have to leave him sometime, and only a couple years til he’s off on his mission, that’ll be two years right there! Two! And he’ll have changed so much when he comes home from that, for the better of course, its always for the better. I’ll sob that day he leaves, but only half because I’ll miss him and the other because I’m so happy he made it that far, assuming he does. I mean, he will, I know he will. He’s too close to perfect not to. I know he’s gonna get annoyed with me writin every day, lol.
Anyways, I’ve got to be going now, til’ then!

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