Wednesday, March 08, 2006

New passion

wow...well, I had this all written out in my head..but...well, screw that, it's gone now. lol...I cant 'write' it more than once. It just doesn't work.
anyways...I must really be insane. I signed up for JV tennis...oh my, I will ruin it for the team, I know. But..I guess the real reason I signed up was to get me away from home as long as possible...four days a week for an hour is worth the work of getting 35 dollars and humiliating myself by losing against some 10 year old....really, that sounds like a bit much...but if you were me, you'd do more than that to have an excuse of staying away as much as possible.
anyways...whats it called when you are a housecleaner/maid/nanny/caretaker at the same time and you are not paid with anything but maybe a threat and something more...?
Just curious if I should even begin to compare that to the hebrews in egypt, or the african americans during the slave trade. wait..slave, is that a shorter word for the above? hm
well, that was random.

you know, I think my new passion... 9no, not forgetting the old either, I will still be caring about the african children....) is to fight against child abuse...whoot! I have absolutly no idea whatsoever what could be done about it by someone like me. but yea, its one of those things...either you hear about it or you experience it, and you just cannot help but be hyped to do something...anything about it. Whether it be physical, mental, or neglective...sorry, I think I care a little too much about children...oh well....I wont change. You know what I really hate though is when they see their parent's example...and so thats how they become because they know no other life.. or way to live. They'll end up hitting..and well... you get the picture...its sad, they're so little..
anyways.. I'd love to write more, but I've really got to go now.

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