Saturday, March 25, 2006

Hopes and Dreams

30 hopes and dreams

You never know…one day they might come true, but these are just what I can think of. What I want to do before I die. And that’s going to take quite a while if they’re ever going to be made real, take a lot of work too.

1-Go to New York City and see either Phantom of the Opera or Beauty and the Beast on Broadway.
2-Go to Alaska and see the Aurora Borealis.
3-Go to the Louvre Museum and see every piece there.
4-See a European Medieval castle.
5-Go to Dublin, Ireland, and everywhere around just to see the green hills.
6-Go to London and see the Cathedrals
7-Go to Rome and see everything including the Coliseum
8-At least see where the Vatican City is.
9-Go to Pompeii
10-Go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower..climb all the way to the top to see the lights of the city at night.
11-Learn to speak German and go to Germany. ( attempt to find my ancestors)
12- Go to Russia and see St. Petersburg.
13- Play a part in a Phantom of the Opera play.
14-Learn at least one song in Latin.
15-Adopt at least one child from another country, maybe Asian or African.
16-Find an African refugee camp and do everything I can to help, and maybe not just in Africa, like, other countries too.
17-Go to China…and not just to see the wall…but the mountains and the people(had this since I was in 3rd grade) and visit Japan too.
18-Go to Scandinavia and see Viking remains.
19-At least see the Himalayas.
20-See the Taj Mahal.
21-Go to Egypt and see…everything!
22-Ride an elephant.
23-Go to the Amazon forest.
24-Learn to read Egyptian Hieroglyphs
25-Do a lot of photography along the way.
26- Get married and be a mother.
27-Make and entire CD but not necessarily letting go to the public.
28-Win a trophy of some kind. (It must mean that I’ve never before since its on the list, heartrending huh?)
29-Learn to speak at least three other languages to as full a possible, including any one form of Gaelic.
30-Start and finish at least one book.
And just for good luck…
31-Be in two places at once.

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