Sunday, March 26, 2006

Utterly annoying

Silly little dreams, eh? You know that the majority of them aren’t gonna happen considering, they almost all deal with actually going somewhere, which costs money. Anyways…
What I find utterly annoying is how some people treat other religions from their own. Well, I cant consider myself a very ‘good’ Mormon but I do live a lot like one and know what they are. But I hear so many rumors about Mormons. It’s funny how I only ever hear sickening gossip about Mormons and not other religions. Like…the way people seriously think we have horns and are satanic. Or that what Mormons do in their temples is grow tails and horns and become devilish worshipping Satan. I know what goes on in a mormon temple and it is nothing like that. It is wonderful actually. I don’t see how people can even think those things by looking at a temple. They always stand out because they are so clean and white and glowing. The reason they don’t just let the whole world in is because it is scared to them. And they want to stay clean in every way. Weddings, sealings, baptisms, and receiving endowments is what happen there. There is more that even I cant know about. Yes, there is somewhat…in a way…’dealings’ with the dead. But that’s not necessarily a ‘bad’ thing. I love to feel a response from them when you’ve finished what work they could not while on this earth. There is nothing satanic about that. It is always a thank you that they give. And I can feel appreciated..and needed. I want to be married there, sort of a childish thing to say, I know. But I wont lie. And if not that, then I WILL be sealed there, to my love for eternity. That’s a long time, I know too, hard to even comprehend. But that is what I like about it. Not those usual words of ‘til’ death do us part’. I couldn’t accept just that while knowing that there was more. Anyways, I’ll stop with the fantasies.
But It hurts too, when they judge..not even by religion, just by the way you look, or how much money you have, etc. I know someone..who…well, they were on a bus one day and a little boy fell or something and cracked his head open, so this friend of mine went to help, because that’s how he is, and the sister of the little boy shooed him away like he was some kind of dog, telling him to get away from the boy and not so nice names. So he worried for so long that he couldn’t help when the girl could hardly carry the bleeding boy, and he felt so guilty that he didn’t help anyways, but it wasn’t his fault was it? It was the way he looked. Well, I feel really bad about this too because things like this happen all the time to me. And it is not fun, to have to sit in the back of that bus and watch the little boy bleed and scream because the sister could not do anything more for him. It just hurts. One mutual, they showed a movie put together about the tsunami victims, it showed pictures, and things of the areas and the people, and the children esp. and I remember I cried so hard for them. And I sewed little school bags for them, with pencils and paper and crayons, and such. I know, it sounds so easy sometimes for me to admit that I’d cry for things like this. Maybe it shows I am weak. Or just sensitive. I don’t know. But I see no reason why any child should have to live like many of them do. Or any family, to go without food for days because no one has enough strength to give something up, whether they have much either. Whether it is time, or shelter or whatever. I just don’t see a reason for it. When people can have so much, can have mansions, and more money than they know what to do with, and they see these people, they know they are there..and they don’t care. I just don’t understand it. Too much money does something to most people. It gives them power, and they choose to use it in a way that helps no one, not even themselves.
I guess it is just the way people are and we can’t do anything about it. I just..I can’t help but want to do something. I’m sure most people think that this enthusiasm to help will pass with age..but I’ve had it my whole life, and I don’t think it ever will. It’s what I like to do, some people like to shop, or play sports, or whatever, and I like this. Even though I don’t even have enough to sustain myself.
Well, I’ll stop with that topic, I could go on with it forever.
Well, last night, there was a huge storm, the wind gets really bad here, but we don’t ever get tornados in this area, too many mountains. Probably thanks to the Tetons. But we were warned to stay indoors and away from windows..peoples windows were crashing in everywhere. But anyways, I’m not really sure why…but I’ve always loved rain and I’ve always loved thunderstorms, though not with so much wind. I just like rain. Its really strange I guess. I just can’t get enough. And here it is so dry, so brown, no green. Miles and miles of potato fields everywhere. That’s what makes me love Tennessee so much, it rains, and it is so so green. The forests are so thick and it looks like there’s broccoli all over the hills the way the forests are, lol. People don’t realize how brown and sad it is up here until they visit the south. And the accents of the people are just awesome, put just the right mood into it, lol. I used to have one, believe it or not, it was quite a strong one too. But its died now. Died into a little bit of an English now that I think of it. I mean, for example, if its hailing outside, I cant pronounce it any other way then ‘helling’, it’s a little weird. Hail is ‘hell’ and tail is ‘tell’ not without a bit of effort.
Anyways, I always seem to just ramble on and on. Lets see..
I guess not much else to say, or that I’d like to mention now.

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