Friday, March 10, 2006

Its a miracle

well.. something amazing just its not that amazing, but I had to make it more elaborate than it is. so, me being so clumsy, got pushed into a walled the other day, banged my head real hard,, my step dad actually didn't laugh this time....yes, you heard me right.. DID of course he wasn't sympathetic a matter of fact...more of an angry/frustrated. hey, it wasn't my fault. and even if it was, whats it to you to be angry anyway?
so yea, I just had to throw that in..

So anyways, guess what? I saw a robin today! it just snowed again too...but I saw one. out in the tree...all puffed up cause it was cold. but it WAS a bird... yay!

So I was thinking...Osama did bad things right? yes, and God allowed them to happen. Because he respected his free agency, the only thing we have that is ours.Even though God knew what was gonna happen...he als saw what would happen because of it. Because of what opened people's eyes.. they weren't so many people changed.. and no offense to those New Yorkers, but they needed it most. So out of the bad came good things... of course, they haven't lasted long.. pride takes over too often.
Yea, as you can see, I found an intresting scripture...and I guess people should stop wondering why bad things happen to good people. Its because its a last resort. Its the only way people will relize what they're doing. Or remember...
so anyways...
i should probably go now, I want to get out of here as fast as I can.

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