Tuesday, January 02, 2007

So Many Lessons

Okay...why haven't I......Juliana, why hasn't she written anything on the new year...? Does it even exist? Is it just another day....?
No...It is the fact that these couple days have been so hard for me. Emotional-wise....and in a good way. There is so much feeling in me...so much sacred feeling inme that I cannot even begin to write it. I have decided to keep it precious and keep it in me.
But I will say this...Thinking back on the the year, I weep. I weep for the world, the people, myself. Weep because of all the magnificence, the beauty, the incredible and perfect unvierse we live in. It is so amazing to me the way things come together. The way lives come together. The way we can count on the sun always rising, the moon always shining. We can always count on everything coming together as it should.
Of all times to be at a loss for words, it is now. And I honestly would rather not say even if I could muster the words. But I truely can't describe how I feel, all the memories...all the good and bad. Mistakes... or were they? Such large decisions to make.
At least I can say this... it was indeed the most important, memorable, challenging, fantastic, horror-filled, sentimental and above all wonderful year of my life yet.
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed." -- Albert Einstein

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