Sunday, January 21, 2007

An Auction...??

Our country is incredibly stupid.
So, one day, over there in the Iraq area, our people realize, "Oh, we're sitting on a pile of junk....what should be do about it?" 'Junk' = left over tomcat fighter jet parts.
"I don't know, Bob, what do you think?"
"Hmmm...we could recycle it.....? What do you think, Joe?"
"Naaaaaa......Let's hold an auction! moneymoneymoney."
"YEA!! that's a fantastic idea!"
"You're truly brilliant, Joe..."
(No no...I think the extent of their stupidity is what is truly awe-inspiring.) Now... Let's think.... who are the only people that would buy those things...? They're older, and no one flies those kind of planes anymore anyway, right?
Oh wait....there is one country....They'll surely use the parts....
AND that country just so happens to be the one who hate's us with a passion....One that we have a rather "unhealthy" past with (exp. the '79-81 Hostage Crisis). Also the one who is seemingly 'helping out' the Iraqi people who are against us, by bringing in their own trained 'militia revolutionaries' to kill our idiotic friends, Bill, Bob, and Joe. And "we" are only ready to devote approximately 15 seconds to informing the public about these implicit acts of war.
Now please please tell me that by holding this auction, we're not deliberately putting weapons into the hands of our enemy?

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