It was a beautiful morning today. They said it's supposed to rain, but the skies are this brilliant limpid blue.
Lying in bed, with the sun's rays just beginning to touch my face, I started thinking... About everything I'm grateful for, about all my blessings...Being grateful for being able to be grateful. Being able to love that radiant sun, and appreciate it's awesome power, despite whether it's destructive or not.
Of course, about that time...reality starts to slink in again with its black tentacles. But I'm trying to be optomistic about it. Hey, I'm learning to trust myself, I'm getting much MUCH better at trusting. There's just a lot of big decisions...changes... I have to make soon. I'm dreading, yet hopeful. They'll turn out how they're supposed to...just have to put faith in that.
I just need to listen...just listen. As well as keep any external forces from penetrating my 'bubble' while I'm trying to listen so as to avoid any outside influence....because, we don't want to make any mistakes now, do we? "Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right." --Isaac Asimov
Lying in bed, with the sun's rays just beginning to touch my face, I started thinking... About everything I'm grateful for, about all my blessings...Being grateful for being able to be grateful. Being able to love that radiant sun, and appreciate it's awesome power, despite whether it's destructive or not.
Of course, about that time...reality starts to slink in again with its black tentacles. But I'm trying to be optomistic about it. Hey, I'm learning to trust myself, I'm getting much MUCH better at trusting. There's just a lot of big decisions...changes... I have to make soon. I'm dreading, yet hopeful. They'll turn out how they're supposed to...just have to put faith in that.
I just need to listen...just listen. As well as keep any external forces from penetrating my 'bubble' while I'm trying to listen so as to avoid any outside influence....because, we don't want to make any mistakes now, do we? "Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right." --Isaac Asimov
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