Friday, December 22, 2006

My mother...

"I never really put much thought to my role models. Whenever asked that question; Who is your role model(s)? I always ignored it, dismissed just being another one of 'those' questions that I'm known to answer with an "I don't know", like...What do you want to be when you grow up? " Remember this? Let me just add...
Really, I think about my role hero... every day...without ever acknowledging that that is what she is. I think...if I had to choose one person in the entire universe as a model for me, I think I'd have to say it's my mother. Maybe she doesn't realize it, but she's absolutely AMAZING...really, truly, no lie. :) There's just simply not enough adjectives to describe her greatness. I could go on and on and on about her. Yea, she has made mistakes, but who doesn't? That's what makes her even better. That there's proof that she can be so awesome and yet still be human.
The most breath-takingly beautiful people I know are the ones who have suffered incredible pain and somehow managed to let the bitterness of it drop away and only carry the beauty of their agonies forward.
She's my hope for the end of the road!


Anonymous said...

Feeling their existence is great. Love for them is endless.
Appreciating them add to us.
Losing them, could be a disaster.
So, do spend the time with her and make sure to enjoy it.

I like this post...
I like it...
I like it the most...

Your brother

Xunoz said...

Wow! I was looking forward for this post. I had read it before though (you know where), but this is awesome! Keep it up!