Monday, December 11, 2006

"Bad more Patchuli..."

Hmmm... Today was a great day. No specific reason either. I just thought to myself as I got out of bed "today is going to be awesome" --and bam, look at where the power of suggestion landed me :) Or is it just karma catching up to me....?

Sorry sorry... I'm not being conceited, I promise.

So, I seemed to accumulate a lot of homework today, and yet, I finished it all quickly after I got home. Just because I needed something o keep me occupied while I waited for it to be 4:oopm in the western hemisphere (of the US). Evan's birthday. I just so happened to catch him while he was waiting to pick of Josh. And I had a great talk with him...

And tonight, I'm just relaxing.... with my new CD, maybe a good book, maybe some art, and burn a little Santal..or maybe Lotus tonight, Patchuli? I don't know, but I'm looking forward to it; looking forward to catching up on some sleep....hopefully.

"Love...what is love? When it occurs , it cannot be denied. No matter what your past has held...when love occurs...your life has forever changed"

"They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: Somone to love, something to do, and something to hope for."

"Experience is a hard teacher; She gives the test first and the lesson afterwards."

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