Why are we drawn to things we know are untrue, wrong...'bad'....?
- Because we have an inherent will to usurp authority; therefore, no matter what command we are given we will stumble to obey. Adam and Eve could not even keep one command why should we be any different. --Phoenixslayer
- It is due to the dark side of our fallen nature and like will attract like. --Believeme
- It would be difficult to know good, ifthere was no evil. How would we know love,if there was no hate?Life is a challenge. The good choiceswe make, enrich our person ale. --Kylekeye
- I don't think we're drawn to the 'untrue".I think human beings are naturally lazy.If someone can have an answer without having to do the research, then why should they memorize anything? I see this more and more in my daily life everywhere I turn. Nothing but lazy ignorant people who are just as content to let someone else think for them.The entire political system actually COUNTS upon this phenomenon so that they can get elected into office. Source(s):
How many times have you heard (and will you hear) "I voted my party this year"?You see the signs of laziness all around you.You seem to have risen above the mess... just keep treading water until you get to the high ground. Then NEVER give it up to anyone...... --Wolfie - Much of who we think we are is 'bad'. But the 'bad' I'm referring to is better described as 'delusional'. Are reality is set wrong. This, at the most fundamental level, is why we do 'bad' things (often without even knowing they're 'bad'). --Badbuddhist
- It is part of human nature to be curious and to fall to temptation. We are curious about the things we're told are bad and the people involved in those things seem to peek our interest, too. I think it's just wanting to understand why it's so bad or why those people seem to participate and not care about the consequences. We ask ourselves what makes them that way. When we're younger, I think those things we learn are bad become tempting, just to see what will happen if we do it...or if we can do it and not get caught. I think it all boils down to curiosity and temptation....the same thing Eve dealt with. --vanhammer
I heard this one quote from I can not recall, but it said that "satan would not BE without his cunningness". "Have you seen those whom have taken thier desires as GOD"-quranI have come to the conclusion that there is ONE universal truth of the matter to existance. And that being the only thing capable of creating it. But creations more than have the capability of frustrating and manipulating to the destruction of others well beings. Let alone the world on a thought that is of your own. GRANTED. My reasons to questions like such that you asked are highly blasphemous. Though they are blasphemous, they are true. So I martyre myself inshallah(GOD willing, if GOD wills, if it must be, if I must, if that is what I choose, etc). And I beg allah not to place me amongst the disbleiever, but to create a throne that I can call my own that I may one day sit upon with no crown. Only piety. Where my own thought will be the TRUE KING. I am sovereign reflected off of malik(sovereign lord). Thought could be the greatest toll that is of mankind. If one does not use it, how can they come to realise. Salam! Source(s):
May you take care on your path. Some are more easy than others. This is the will of allah. And I humbly accept the inequality for the ONENESS of ALLAH. PEACE! --misconstruded
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "terrorist" ?
- bin laden-- BloodyAdalwolf
- airplanes hitting buildings--David T
- BUSH --Feather
- Muslims! --MarkosM
- Explosions. --daisykris
- The World Trade Center, car bombs in the Middle East, abortion clinic bombings in the US.--rt66lt
- George Bush --Mu'taz
- arabs blowing themselves up--Mrmoo
- islam....Honest answer to (what I hope is) an honest question. --CommonSense
- It certainly isn't Muslim. There have been MANY groups terrorize groups by terrorist activities. About the first terrorists I can think of was the Catholic church during the inquisition. --Rev. TwoBears
- Attack.--KAITLYN
- George W. Bush, the idiots who abused the prisoners at Abu Ghraib and now terrorize the guy who blew the whistle on the wrongdoers, Rumsfeld, Timothy McVeigh--vinslave
- Muslims with fat faces and beards and ugly women covering themselves from head to foot, in case they tempt men! --Franco
- Religion.--Godzilla
- 9/11 --pepsiolic
- Satan's and his outlash on Christian's .......--Ripcord3
- Islamic fanatics who believe in killing anyone who does not believe as they do. They want to have the crusades all over again but instead of catholic they are Islamic.--Chris Z.
- Arabs dressed in towels carrying AK-47s and a Koran. Don't blame me its just what comes to mind first of all since its the ones I see most often.--Anon.
- Anger...and ignorance--Colin C.
- I think of the Middle East and masked men in black clothes with guns, who are mostly Islamic radicals willing to die as long as any non-Muslim, or "infidel," dies with them. Source(s):
My source is merely the imagery the pops into my mind. Although, the associations I have with that word do come from the media exposure of the subject and the current state of world affairs. --Danielle C. - The Irish Republican Army...actually terrorist is a debatable word and has many defentiton so it doesn't mean blowing things up for religous zeal....--Amin
What is your first thought when you hear the word "Muhammad" ? "Allah"? "Islam"?
- pretender--Kim C.
- 1; Ali 2; lahve 3; Cat Stevens is a moron --GM
- Praised one, The GOD, and submitting to the will of GOD.......la ilaha illalah --misconstruded
- "Muhammad"- Intuitive fellow, "Allah"- Divinity, "Islam"- Beautiful, misunderstood --PaganRebirth
- Heads up-- TarKettle
- 1- founder of Islam, 2- Arabic word for "God", 3- a religion based on the Qur'an --rt66lt
- The Noble Prophet. Allah means God. Islam is the peaceful religion Muslims follow-- Affan
- Muhammad: peace be upon him, the greatest of mankind, Allah: The most merciful, the most glorious, the Almighty, Islam: my beloved religion the complete system for human life.-- MuslimRose
- Child Molester. False prophet.-- Georgiegi
- The boxer..That's what.. Then I think of KILLING...BABIES HOLDING GUNS, WITH PROUD PARENTS IN THE BACKGROUND..... DEATH..SAND ...SUFFERING....BLOOD...CARBOM... PARTS..why do you ask?? -- Thnkni
- Planes flying into buildings. -- Jer
- Ali-- Fuster
- Works in the corner shop-supports Arsenal and gives me crap horse racing tips. -- Andymcj66
- Another set of god-statues in need of constant polishing and stoking. I intend no specific disrespect of Islam, I think exactly the same of Christianity. --MiddleMan
- muhammed.....violent middle eastern man who was demon possessed. allah....fallse moon god, non existant. islam....lost and blind faith in a false prophet worshipping a false and dangerous god. -- Sheepinar
- 1. Muhammed Ali, the Boxer 2. Islamic word for G-d 3. Terrorism -- David T.
- My smallness and the God's greatness. --Emina
- Sick man. His follower are sicker to follow some one like him. --MD
- muhammad=islam=allah=Satan. -- Cthemagic
- really the first thing i think of is purity of religion, peacfulness,love and that goes for all three categories being, allah islam, and the profit muhammed(PBUH). And why do u ask ?? -- Muslimahg
- Courageous man, who united the Arab people and spread the word of God. (I am not a Muslim) peace. --Colin C.
- A dead man. -- dustylee3
- Muhammad - his amazing encounter with the angel who demanded he recite and his discussion of how women should be treated well; Allah - "The Merciful, The Compassionate..." ; Islam - muslimahs, hijab, beautiful masjids, the Q'uran... the beautiful call to prayer... I could go on for hours... --vinslave
- muhammad = the greatest man that ever lived -- UmmAyman
Are we becoming slaves to this modern and ever-enhancing technology?
- We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. Yes, to a degree, but you can always turn the computer OFF. -- Paul H.
- I think you've becomes a slave of something when you either can't or don't think you can do without something. I think countries in the western world are becoming slaves of oil-producing countries because of their dependence on oil. This dependence is not totally necessary in that it is the result of western addiction to using vehicles more than they need to ans using vehicles that are bigger than they need to have. Commercials 'create' needs so that companies can sell their products, and people start to think that they can't do without them. Of course, we are now so dependent, in a real sense, on computer technology, that we would suffer greatly if we had to do without it. I think that anything you become dependent on you also become a slave to. --Rgtheisen
- Well we are free...free to need a new mobile every year although none work as well as an old analogue, need the same running shoe with a different stripe etc. Are blackmailed to throw whole television systems and computers and software in the bin. As we continue to glut ourselves and 3rd world countries follow with ever increasing air conditioning and dish washers I have to draw a parralell with locusts stripping a feild. Yeah sure we are slaves of our own destruction. --BOverit
- We are sitting in front of a PC answering and asking questions, are we not? muahahahahaha!!!! --ConstElat
What? I was bored...
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