Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Did you?

Did you know....
Not all dogs are colorblind, and birds were given wings to fly? Did you know the grass has dew in the morning and four-leaf clovers are lucky? Did you know the sky is really blue and the clouds are really made out of whipped cream and marshmallows no matter what they say? Did you know if you look at the sky when it rains, and open your mouth wide...the rain tastes better than wine? Did you know there's a man in the moon? And catepillars turn into butterflies? Did you know the wind can whistle, and birds can sing, and leaves can dance? Did you know that if you rub a dandelion under your chin and your chin turns out yellow... it means you're in love? And if you can blow all the seeds off a dying dandelion you get to make a wish? Did you know tying your shoes with two bunny ears works just as well as one? Did you know if you spin around in circles too long you'll fall over out of dizzyness? Did you know the sun rises in the east and sets in the west? And you get good luck if you can hold your breath through a tunnel or cross your fingers on a window when you go over railroad tracks? And you can make wishes on shooting stars and a 1000 oragami cranes? Did you know, you can do anything if you want to enough? And you can be happy if you choose to?
Did you know??

1 comment:

Xunoz said...

Did you know, you're one sweet person:) for whom people will do anything?