Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Well this passed weekend was incredibly....interesting...of course, I can't explain it all... or at I could but would rather not. so in a nut shell it involves a lot of things, blaming, blackmailing, saving lives, killing friendships...etc ...list could go on for ages.
So anyways, I'll not talk about that, other than that I had some of the worst moments of my life, as well as some of the best.

So, today, I took a Literature ISAT, 237 was my score, I suppose I did quite good. basic was around 203, average around 212, and advanced around 229, hm...oh well, I've got to make up for the math one some how *wink* oh, and I also get the wonderful priveledge as being the 'guinea pig' of the new Science one, which I believe includes several thing that I haven't studied for years. I've only taken an Astronomy class and am now taking a Geology class, so we'll see what happens with that.

Well, I thought I know I probably coul have done a little better on that literature one, but I've been tired a lot lately, and have been very dehydrated all day..I suppose thats what I get.

hm...well lets see, what else..well I think I did make a mistake with something, and things like this are bound to happen right and left to me. See, I have a hard time saying 'No'..it is a skill you have to teach yourself, you know. I've just not mastered it yet. One day, though, one day I will. Well anyways, I said yes to something I really didn't want to do. (this was saturday) Twice actually. And I hate backing down from something like this.
heh...I guess it makes no difference anyways as everyone believes everything they hear around here, and they've heard a lot about me. It usually just makes me laugh, but sometimes gets on my nerves. Like, for example, I heard once, that someone thought me and my friend Jenna, and another boy, had a threesome. ha! It was a little aamusing. Just means these people are much too gullible.

Of course, I can't say anything myself, I am fairly gullible too. a 'blonde' according to many. By now though, I've gotten over the stage of being extremely annoyed with that title. As long as I know the truth....and the truth is, I can be some times. I tend to have 'alzheimer lapses'...lol...no.. thats the professional word, and it's never really been diagnosed. I just mean that ON occasion, I forget some major things about me. It just vanishes from my mind, eventually, something sparks it back...but it only seems to be things about myself..like...my name, I do that a lot. especially how to spell it. lol, I know, a little funny, but what can I say, then also, my age some times. I really hate it if happens at a drastic moment " how old are you?" ah crap, not again... " umm..I'm not quite sure, ask me again in an hour or so.." it really is unfortunate when things like that happen when I'm doing baptisms for the dead..

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.

sad huh

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