Sunday, April 16, 2006

Choose to remember the Ressurection not the Crucifixtion

Well, Today was Easter..I thought it was a rather good easter too. some good talks at church today, esp. since I haven't gone for a few weeks. But I think that there's some thing wrong with my camera, and it's new too! But it keeps spitting out the memory card like a toaster after I get a lot of good pictures, and when I put it back in, they're all deleted. It's done it twice, first, just after Spring break so I lost all of those pictures, and there were a lot of good ones, esp. of people I wont see for maybe another year or two. Then just today, so now all my easter pictures are gone...*sigh* but what can I do? oh well.

But anyways today was pretty good, though this morning was busy, and I never got around to finishing either of those major reports I've got. I guess for my research presentation, I've got til tuesday, and I've absolutely no idea when the other one has to be finished, I missed the day he announced. but if I'm lucky I'll be on his good side, besides, unlike several students in that school, I'm pretty good at getting a teacher to like you, or rather I know how, and that really counts for my advantage in a lot of things. they trust you more, I suppose.

Well evan took me and em to "Neverland" least thats what we told Emily it was called..just the wetlands in the forest out passed Hibbard area. Of course, it has been raining all day so we were completely soaked, but I loved it all the same. A nice break.

Well, yesterday was the composition festival. I didn't wiin, but I was pretty close and got plenty of compliments.There were some really beautiful songs. Anyway, afterward, all the finals were pushed together and bombarded with camera flashes. We felt like we were suddenly famous. Now I know the true terror of paparazzi. They blinded us with all that light and left of blinking and stumbling off the stage, I'm sure it would have been hilarious to watch. On our way home, mom and I took a detour and stopped at a frozen yogurt place. I looked over the notes that the judge had put on my music. Said it was a hard choice for her between mine and the Russian dance one.
Anyways, There was some good tips there and whether or not I try again, I'll be sure to input them in later notations. I guess the main mistake with the music, that lost me a few points, was missing rests and lack of intructions, such as tempo, whether its to be played andante, moderato, alleggro, etc. and no 'a tempo' signs after the ritardando's. And simile's in places they shouldn't be. *shrug* oh well.
It was a good experience for me all the same though.

Well, not much news, or news that I'd mention here, left...

Happy Easter!!

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