Friday, April 07, 2006

just a thought

well, I was thinking..about a lot of things, of course...but I won't freely give away what goes on in my mind, at least not all of, a random thought; I think that aside from childbearing and obedience, A females value comes from her making bold decisions. And for an example, like Eve's decision to eat the fruit and know something. It was Adam who followed her; she was the rebel , he was the follower..and is called 'The fall of Adam'.....

Funny how it works out, hey?

know what someone told me the other day? It was pretty interesting. "...Women always say things like that, and it makes me crazy. It's as if every conversation with a woman is a test, and men always fail it, because they always lack the key to the 'code' and so I never quite understand what the conversation is really about. I wonder, if, just once, a man could understand, really comprehend the whole conversation then the perfect union between male and female would be possible, right? But and women keep cohabiting, even to love eachother, with-out ever quite crossing over the line of misunderstanding between them."
Well...that was about it, with my own improvisions, but I thought it a rather interesting point.
I won't comment anymore on it though.

well...hmm...I can't really think of anything else that I'm willing to write here for the world to see...

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