Sunday, April 23, 2006

At War

Btw..sorry for those last two entries, I haven’t been doing so well, and was in a negative attitude. ……Well, I found the solution. To apathy, greed, destroyed families etc. and the cause of them. It’s because we’re constantly at war. The war in heaven didn’t end as I was born, nor anyone else, not even with Adam and Eve coming to earth it didn’t end. We were simply stationed at a new battle location. I know this’ll all sound dumb, but the war is against satan…against evil itself I guess. Who hates you, hates your wife/husband, hates your children, grandchildren…hates them all and wants to destroy them, right? He uses the technique any smart soldier would to. You don’t just attack and hope for the best. You distract them first, lead them on another way. So he slowly pulls you away to worldly things and attacks when you’re most vulnerable. While you’re distracted and preoccupied with career, cars, money etc. he’s over there confusing, misleading, the ones you love, destroying them because we have something he will never have. A body, life, a family..happiness, then you come back eventually, and wonder what you did wrong and how to fix it. Well, there’s plenty of things you can do, the orders you were given when sent into battle. They’ll always work as long as you follow them, and all the same, in the end, you could be punished for insubordination if you don’t. and I’m NOT saying that the excuse of ‘the devil made me do it’ is suddenly valid. Because it’s not. You’ve got your own agency, no one can force you to do anything, not even god himself, because he gave you the free agency, and it is the only thing that’s yours. Make your own choices, just think before you act. If you don’t, we’ll end up with a lot more casualties in this than were necessary……….I know that I’ve always wanted to follow every one of those things. Some aren’t just war tactic orders, but I think that if I keep following my heart, those war tactic ones are the only one’s I could this life at least. I’d not have a chance to be sealed in this life, if I do continue what I am. But I know there must be some rule out there that would let me, in the next. Well, I really don’t want to think about all those dreams I’d be giving up, because I’d much rather follow my heart in these things with the hope of a second chance after to hold on to. If I didn’t follow mine, , despite whether I and my would-be family reach this ultimate glory they speak of or not, I don’t think I’d be happy. After all this glory even really means happiness. I could be in the best place in the universe. Highest of the high celestial kingdoms and yet, not feel complete, and that’d leave a space for unhappiness in the happiest of places. I think I’d give up that high rank for true happiness, wouldn’t you? ..................This is the way of peace: Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love.

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