Thursday, April 27, 2006

the last point of the pentagram

Hmm..well..lately,*and again* it’s been interesting. My life’s just full of interesting things, hey? Anyway, been crazy trying to get all fixed up for classes next year. Going completely by internet this time…I say, not a good idea. That powerschool program is not very reliable. But okay, yea.. and then, unfortunately, I just checked there and the grades WERE working and I had to see how I did on that last exam in Algebra. Heh, I guess when I told Jen, ‘watch me flunk this’.. I was serious. *sigh* BUT the fairly good news is that class average was a D. So I’m not the only one who did terrible…and it really shouldn’t matter since I’m taking this class over again next year, it was recommended and I agree, I’m not ready to move on. And it also shouldn’t matter until my mom one day decides to find out what my password is and get on and check it..which will most likely never happen. It’s always so strange, on every test, I’m nervous, then when I start it, I think, hey, this is easy. I think I actually got it this time. Next thing you know…I really DIDN’T get it, and did the whole thing wrong. But, next year I’m going to do better. And as long as the classes aren’t filled up by the time I get there, then I think next year will be pretty enjoyable, because I’m taking classes that I’ll enjoy. I’m hoping..I can’t promise how accurate this is but here is my schedule. So that when I come back here ten years and read this I’ll remember.. hehe…yea well anyways…what else shall I talk about. Jenna’s birthday was today, I feel bad because I completely forgot, I was going to run to the store last night, but..well it didn’t happen. But I’m going to do something to surprise her at her house Saturday to make it up to her…though I’ve no idea what to get her as she’s every thing I could think of. Well, I’ll think of something. Well I could always try to relieve her from that boy, ethan. Who, I’ve decided not to talk to him until he pulls himself together. And yes, that same boy I had mentioned in earlier posts whom I pitied so much. But what can I say…he’s just not a very good person. And that doesn’t mean that I don’t believe that he cant change. I just don’t think I can be friends anymore with someone who lies, exaggerates, purposely tries to make me feel stupid, does drugs, and/or anything else illegal, and thinks he’s some sort of savior of the world, the last point of the pentagram, along with Jesus, God, Satan, and Goddess. Who continues to complain complain complain, me me me me. I did what I could for him, and the rest is up to him, I can’t change him, only he can. Anyways, this morning did start quite well actually, I think I might’ve felt rested for the first time in months. Or maybe its just because I took advantage of dearest father leaving earlier than usual, and I sleeping in til 6:45…and that’s saying something. I did get in a bit of a fight with Evan, so that ruin a portion of my morning. And that I forgot to eat breakfast which happens a lot. And that I forgot Jen’s birthday..Other than that…it went okay. Anyways Not much else to say now..


Anonymous said... a bad mood. Don't take it to heart.

Anonymous said... a bad mood. Don't take it to heart.

Anonymous said... a bad mood. Don't take it to heart.