Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My First Monday Night football Game

My first monday night football game

Standing in the pouring rain/
Rubber boots filling with from the water running down my legs/
the mud has covered my feet now as I slowly sink into the flowerbed/
the 3" steel pipe is humming in my numb hands/
Due to the wind blowing about the aerial attached to it/
Every few minutes it seems a crack of lightning makes me scream and release the pole/
For fear of it striking down through me into the earth/
Bever realizing I never could have let go in time to save myself/
Yet each time the lightning flashed I did and/
Each time the TV would loose its picture/
Each time my father would slam his fist against the living room wall and swear/
Fearing his wrath far more than lightning I would again grab the freezing pole/
Grounding it to the earth and the picture would return/
I stood there growing numb/
shivering with cold and fear until long agater the Game was ended/
For he had forgotten I was out there/
Until he called out that I had better be in Bed/
I was not/
When he saw the state I was in, he didn't even hit me very hard.

...makes me want to cry just reading it.

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