Thursday, April 13, 2006

Secret Societies and Lemuria

Well.. the protest has now hit our area, I would have gone out with them..but I was in classes. I had several friends who went though...Cindy, and Yessenia..and a few others, of course, I don't know how welcome I'd be with the rest of them, since I'm white. But you never know.

Hmm..well...I read a few articles on the bird flu. And talked to some people, said it is a concern that it'll turn out as a pandemic..killing hundreds, and maybe thousands. I found it a lot more interesting than I thought. right now, I'm half writing this and half talking to my dad by messenger, He's giving me, yet again, his theories on the creation of Earth...Atlantis, Lemuria, Egypt...etc...I have to admit, he does make some very good points and some times has me believeing. All his Talk of ancient civilization and such. How we came to be..There are actually a lot of movies out there, that people take for granted as just science fiction stories, and who knows whatever else. But some of the directors really know what they’re doing, and they hide the truth..if people weren’t so stupid, if they’d just read between the lines, or even what’s in front of them, They’d know much more things. And I thought this was interesting, I watched some documentary on these secret societies…conspiracies about them and such. There was a lot of interesting things I found….now don’t worry, I won’t turn into one of those obsessed-with-conspiracy-theories people, although those people can be really wonderful people..*wink* a friend of mine thought it suspiscious when I pointed out that the majority of the American presidents are/were in some secret society, Of the few that weren’t, was Ronald Reagan, who, swore to the public that he’d investigate these..secret societies… and that he would not let a man of one be a part of his system…And the next thing you know, he’s appointed George Bush(who is in one of those societys) as vice…a month later, he gets shot and killed in a …’mysterious’ accident and Bush takes the throne. Heh..and the president even now, admits to have joined the Skulls and Bones when he was in college. And 50 of the 56 signatures on the declaration of independence were free masons, or the changed name of knights templar.
What I heard is that its believed that all of these societies are part of one big web that all connect, and even some members don’t know it themselves..and that’s what creates the illuminati. The entire web is supposed the illuminati. Free masons, trilateral commission, skulls and bones, Bilderburgs,Chatham house..ah well, cant think of the other major ones but they’re there. I mean people believe that illuminati is dead. Think about it…The statue of liberty shows it as well, by the torch in her hand. And it was given to us by France, right? And since these societies have members in all high places, it must have come from them. The dollars has the all-seeing eye, and the words ‘ Welcome the New Order of the Ages.’ NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM The illuminati in their time referred to themselves at times as the ‘new order’ of course it does say annuit coeptis and E pluribus unum. But you never know..I am not saying that I think that this ‘web’ is out to take over the world..and I am not quite sure what they plan, but they’re doing something, that’s for sure. And they seem to know a lot of things that we’re hopelessly oblivious to…hence… the ‘illuminated ones’ hey? There’s one theory that …well, to me, seems, unreasonable, but that, the reasons that several years ago the gas prices suddenly all raised was because they told the major exporting of oil countries to send just as much, but put the extra money into certain bank accounts. And in order to cover this up and make a ‘reason’ for the sudden raise, they started a war with those very same countries.

I suppose, I am a little too interested in these things, I am just curious I guess . and maybe it amuses me some times. And goes along with my interest in other religions, cultures.. *shrug*..I’d love to know what goes on in the little lair of the skulls and bones. I know it has some thing to do with a favor of the dead, worshiping the skulls and/or bones of those who are passed. And having a session on Thursday for one person to give their life’s story, and confess all their faults, and another session on Sundays where who knows what happens.. of course.. who knows how much of this is true. I just always wonder these things. These codes and messages that are hidden in plain view yet we can’t find them still. There are some who believe that there is more to the Bible if we read between the lines. I’ve read about some of their supposed findings. That’s interesting too..though, I’m not quite sure how sac religious it is …I suppose it shouldn’t matter for all the other ‘wicked’ things I’ve done. Sins I’ve committed. But at least I’m not catholic..not technically at least, as my grandmother baptized me there once a long while ago, but their rules are much more strict. I believe that it is possible to be a “color” person and be christian at the same time. Though it’s fairly rare. But I’m one of those people..but then, I’m not so straight either. I know for sure that I would never get along well with a “black and white” person..maybe friends..but I don’t know why..I just can’t get along with their ways. My stepdad is that way, and yet, mothers a color person. Openminded…Anyways, I need to get going, and this has dragged on far too long.

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