Friday, April 21, 2006

More than two words

hmm...well...I just got home from that show I did, the showcase actually. Just sort of sat there the whole time until someone came and looked at it and asked question, when, I'd answer and they'd usually just look a little clueless as to what the heck I was talking about and then nod and smile, move on. Must've used some way of cheating for that, as I'm told she's only fourteen, that isn't possible. well, and then I got a volunteer to listen to some music I've written and they say they're going to make a CD for me as soon as I get enough and finish them. whoot.. well, then I eventually ran into my friend cristina, or rather, her into me, and she sat behind the table with me and we talked. She told me about yet another guy problem. She's just not wanting to admit that she really likes him and she's trying to convince herself otherwise but it's not exactly working, because she can't change whether she likes him or not, cause she really does. And the subconcious reason for her trying NOT to is because she is moving by the beginning of school next year, and so is he. Though, her to Seattle and him to Boise. So sad..and then she expects me to use my psychic abilities to go and tell her exactly whats in his mind..oh yes, considering I've heard of him, never actually saw nor talked to him. But I told her I'd some astrology for her, and maybe make some runes to use. I'd use them for more than just that, but I suppose I just need the right motivation. Otherwise it'll never get done..I guess I'm too lazy to do all the work, because if I did have some I'd want them genuine and the best, which means I'd have to make them myself and ward and do all the rituals to them as well. Anyways, I've had long week, very busy, and was looking forward to the weekend, but not so much now. Things change so fast. A little frustrated boyfriend, yes, I can call him that now since he started it. *wink* any way, yea...but I guess I can't blame him..its probably more me than him anyway.But I can't really resolve this cause he's gone for the next few days, something important, but he didn't really explain what. So I guess its a surprise for me. hmm..and I just realized his birthday's on the 25th too..have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do for him though. He might not even be back by then. anyways.. don't mind the way I'm acting tonight, if you can tell from the way I'm writing..maybe you cant, but a very weird mood...anyways.. not much more to write about tonight, other than kaje just said more than two words to me in the last three or four months....*sigh* anywho, I ought to go now before I start letting everything come out.

1 comment:

Xunoz said...

just read this post...boyfriend, aha?