Friday, April 14, 2006

30 percent chance

Well, tomorrow's it...*sigh* ...At least there's only 9 people to compete against now, and if they're doing first-second-third places, then I've got a thirty percent chance, of winning something..heh...very uplifting. I'm ready enough, just don't want to face the ending.

Well, today went well I suppose, In my second hour she had this program where she taught us the ways to deal with stress and relax and breathing exercises, and meditation. By then end of the class almost everyone was asleep. Which was the whole point.

Tonight is that break out party, goes til two I think, it's supposed to be awsome, but I'm probably not going. I just don't feel up to it..but Evan will most likely go, for 'hoffy' at least. Well, if all else fails, there's always the 'foam' party to go don't belong there.

Lets see..anything else of significance...not really...

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