Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I blew up dry ice today.


I was kinda fun. We were supposed to put it in a plastic tube, and use plyers to sqeeze it shut and then hold the whole thing under water to see how it will turn to a liquid and then as soon as it does, you let go of everything and it will become solid again.

Well, me and me partner put a big chunk in partner's sqeezing it to make sure there's no leak and I've got my face two inches from the cup...

"I don't see it liquifyi--AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *that's a scream*" kaboom. The whole thing pretty much blew up and I was soaked, but it's a good thing I had something covering my eyes.
It was kinda awesome though, even the clenaing up part :p
I love blowing things up... hehe

what else about today...
OH I've been washing my hands every two seconds because some kid got a really bad case of staph.
AHH! And all that candy going around?? Eek. But.. at least I have the comfort of knowing if one or two other people get it they'll close the school. . . .
Jeez.....what's wrong with these people. Why wait for another victim?

oh yea!
I've had Hava Nagila stuck in my head all day... (you JEW!) hmm hmm dee doo doo hmm hmm dee doo doo hmm hmmm deee doo dooodummmdeeeee doooooooo.....hmmm hmmmm narenana...hmmm hmmmmm narenana...

that's pretty much my day.
" natural as a gorilla beating his chest" -- Stephen Colbert (I vote for you!!!)

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