Monday, October 22, 2007


I had some interesting interactions with people today...
This morning, I told off a couple of mexican guys for picking on this little boy. :) but it was alright, I surprised them. Qué haces a ese muchacho pobre, tu hijo de la puta? I gained some respect 'cause I'm a girl, and I cussed 'em out in their own language :p So I got one of their hispanic "Respect, respect" ghetto shakes. hehe....
I also found out this kid I've been treating like a little brother all this time, well... I found out he's had sex three times. So hmmmmm... now it's a little odd to tease him and stuff like that....oh well...welcome to america.
At lunch, this girl ran up to me and asked why I hadn't congradulated her for her anniversary yet... I said, I didn't know she was married. She said, oh no, I'm just engaged. To who? Betty Simmons.
Hmmm...I mean, I know I have alotta gay friends but never any that were planning on gettin' married. She said, as soon as they graduate they know this priest who'll do it for them.... CAuse you know, it's a big controversy... Gay marriage. I say, what the hell... do what you want as long as you're happy. Good luck.
On the bus home, I think I made that little chinese girl's day today :) See, I can imagine she has a horrible social life, because of her limited english you know, So.. I asked her name (Su Fu? or Su fui? not sure the spelling) and where she was from and said "Ni Hao" she had the biggest smile on her face, you can't imagine. I guess it was just a reminder of home, familiarity, or maybe just that someone talking to her. In any case.... I was glad to make her smile for once.
Anyways...that was my day.

1 comment:

Xunoz said...

pretty interesting, eh? but don't you think some details are missing? :p anyway, good to know that you're adding more people to the list of your acquaintances and friends, specially those, who are from other nationalities :)