Sunday, October 21, 2007

It can't wait ramblings

Oh no!
I'm falling behind...
Here's an update, I'm feeling so much better than I have been! Classes are still boring, but I'll make it fun ;)
I'm trying to stay positive, confident, happy, hopeful :) No more complaining!! Try new things.
Enjoy this last month before things go haywire again.
What? You don't think I can do it? Seeing as...every other time, it hasn't worked. BUT! I am NOT giving up ever again.
Hmm.. well, spent yesterday down in TN visiting family. I didn't realize how much I missed it down there. I thought... a little farther and I'd be in Atlanta! Although, from what I hear, they're giving it about 2 months before the city runs out of drinking water. Drought. :( The lake is at an unimaginable low and they found out the extra water was being channelled down to florida to keep two endangered species alive. Say what?!
Yeeea, don't get me wrong but... C'MON! Save the fishies and muscles or save the people?
Ah well, things'll fix up soon enough.
Well, I outta go now. Promised to call the mama and ....Got two big projects due this week.....bleh.... What's the point? Okay, yes, there is a point. But I'm leaving here soon, and who knows if they'll accept the credit's I already have?? oh well...things'll fix up soon enough.
I've decided to live life to its fullest...No more saying "It can wait."