Sunday, October 28, 2007

wow, posted without a title....oops

Oh wow.. I just realized, I posted the wrong link to the wrong song on last post...
Fixed it now...good song....

nothing too exciting to catch up on. I've been painting tonight... making a big mess of myself. Nonsense paintings. "Accidents". Oh well... I came down here in the studio to work on some I guess I got distracted.
oh I went to the flea market today.

I think I might not go out in public ever again.

Maybe it was just one of those days... when you get extra chest-and-bum-staring. But it drives me insane. What's wrong with these guys? I'm not showing anything off purposely... I dont have "anything" TO show anyway....I don't think so, at least. . .


I think I'm going to bite the head off the next guy I see whose eyes are glued to my breasts.
I don't understand? ARe they completely oblivious? or what??
WHY? why do they do that?

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm
I hate missing things. :( it's so sad. Missing is a horrible emotion......I guess it's okay in some cases...but I just miss so many things, including but not limited to,'s so overwhelming. I guess, though, it's in a way related to desire. You can't miss something if you don't desire it.

anyway, it's too early in the morning for this rambling.....I think it took me over and hour to write this :p

1 comment:

Xunoz said... this is what happened :p
the time of the post suggests you were awake late in the night...seems like the painting is gonna be really really good :)